Chapter 5: Annika

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After school, I decided to go out for a coffee since I'm going out tonight and I need all the energy I can get. Kim and Reina went home to get ready for the party, I told them I would pick them up later and we'd go to the party together.

Right now, I'm standing at the counter waiting for my turn to order when suddenly, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I quickly turn around only to be met with a tall guy with chocolate brown hair and hazel eyes, smiling at me with his pearly white teeth. "Anni? Is that you?" He says, looking into my eyes. "I'm sorry, who are you?" I ask, confused.
"Aww, come on, don't tell me you don't recognise me." He says, still smiling as I still look at him with a probably a very confused expression. "Micheal from middle school?" He says, then the realisation finally hits me. It's Michael, my childhood friend from middle school, he was mine and Kim's best friend back then and then Reina's after she joined in the 8th grade. He left in 9th grade though because his parents got a divorce and he went to live with his mom in Mexico.

"Michael? Oh my god it's been so long! How have you been?" I say, immediately giving him a hug which he returns. "I've been great, how are you?" He asks, pulling away from the hug. "I've been good, wait, how are you back?"
"Next please!" The cashier says, signaling that it's my turn to order.
"I think you should order your drink, we'll talk in a sec, we can sit together." He says pointing towards the cashier.
"Right, sure." I say turning towards the woman, trying to remember what I wanted to order. "Right, ummm I would like a large caramel latte with extra whipped cream and a chocolate chip cookie please." I say, smiling at the girl. "Sure thing, that will be £6.50, and what's the name for the order?" She says getting the card machine ready as I swipe my card. "Annika." I say.
"Alright ma'am, your drink will be ready soon if you just step to the side while you wait for your drink." She says, gesturing to my left and smiles.

After Micheal orders and we both get our drinks, we decide to sit at one of the tables outside the cafe. When we sit down, I take a quick picture of my coffee and post it on Instagram before putting my phone away and focusing on Micheal. "So, when did you get back?"
I ask, taking a sip from my coffee.
"About a week ago, my mum decided to move back here cause things in Mexico were getting a bit hectic." He says smiling at me. "So your staying here for good?"
"Yeah, I am." I nod, taking another sip from my drink. "Well how's your mum? Are her and your dad speaking or no? Does he know your back?" I ask, curious. His mum and dad never were that close when they were married, and after the divorce, they never spoke, At Least not while they were still living here.

"Yes, he knows we are back, I visited him the other day actually and him and my mum are speaking a little bit. It's not great but it's a start." I nod as he drinks from his drink. "How are Kim and Reina? Are you all still friends?"
"You bet we are. We all really missed you. Especially Kim, she cried for day after you left." I laugh a little as his expression becomes a little sad. "Yeah, I remember she barely let me go when I told you all I was moving." He laughs a little.

"Well she's doing better now, we all are, you know, we are all going to a party tonight. I'm picking both of them up, wanna come?" I ask smiling at him. "Ofcourse your going to a party, what a surprise. And sure I'll go." He says, laughing at me a little. "I always was a bit of a party girl before, you should see me now. Mom and dad are constantly complaining that I'm never home. Not that they are, they're always out on business trips and god knows what else."

"Well they are very busy people Anni. Anyways, when's the party?"
"At 10:30pm, I can pick you up if you want, just send me your address." I offer, knowing he probably won't take it. "Nonsense, I've got my own car, I'll drive there, just send me the address of the party and I'll be there." He says. Rejecting my offer, as expected. "Alright, if you say so."
"Look, I need to go, my mum need me home in about 20 minutes to help her with something, so I'll see you at 10:30 then?" He stands up with his drink as I get up to too. "Sure, see you then." We exchange numbers and go our own ways.

I'm walking down the street when my phone rings. I unlock it and look at the message, it's from Kim.

Kimmy: Guys, I can't decide on an outfit. Should I wear a white crop top with a skirt or jeans?

Me: What colour is the skirt?

Kimmy: White.

Reina: I think you should go with the skirt.

Me: Same, It'll look cuter, and put your hair up in a high ponytail and put on silver hoops with a necklace of any kind, it'll look good with the skirt.

Kimmy: Thanks guys, what are you all wearing?

Reina: I'm wearing a pastel blue cropped t-shirt with white jeans.

Me: I've got no clue what I'm wearing but once I get home and figure it out, I'll let you know.

Reina: Ok.

Kimmy: Alright!

I put my phone away in my pocket and walk home. Gotta start getting ready or we'll be late, though I don't mind being fashionably late.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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