Chapter 4: Levi

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At the end of the day, me and the guys went to practice. Our games next week and me and coach are pushing the guys to make sure none of them are slacking. Considering we are on a winning streak for the past four games, we can't lose this one either.

I'm getting changed when Nate grabs me by the shoulders from behind. "Hey mate, saw you looking at Annika during lunch today, practically couldn't take your eyes off of her." He chuckles before letting me go to get his water out of his bag. "Says you, how come you got lunch for Reina?" I say, putting my shirt over my head. "That's different, I was just being nice. You however like and are obsessed over Annika which is why you got her her lunch." He drinks from his water and puts it back in his bag before getting changed.

I roll my eyes and get my phone out and start looking through instagram. She doesn't usually post on there during the day, but at night, her story is full of pictures and videos of her out drinking and partying with her friends. I've seen her at quite a few parties that Nate has thrown, she's always drunk and wearing a tiny dress that barely covers her ass. Seeing the way other guys pass by her looking where they shouldn't be and how she dances with them makes me want to punch them all out of the fucking planet.

This time though, she posted something about 30 minutes ago. It's a picture of a table with two coffee cups, in the corner of the picture, you can see a guy's hand. Who the fuck is that. I turn my phone off and get some water. I need to cool off, I can't be pissed during practice or coach will be up my ass about being calmer.

"Oh no, looks like the almighty captain saw something he doesn't like." Ronan mocks, smirking at me. "Mind your own business Vanderbilt." I glare at him while he still smirks.
"Alright, whatever." He says and turns around and walks the other way.

Hey, sorry for not uploading in a while for anyone who is reading this. 😭😅

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