Chapter 2: Levi

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Staring at the TV screen in front of me, trying to focus, I can't stop thinking about the little blonde bombshell from English. She's the kind of person who takes things head on and doesn't falter, no matter the challenge or consequence, including me. She knows I'm the captain of the football team and have the biggest influence on this entire school, yet she doesn't give a fuck. Everyday, she sees me and gives me one of her usual glares. I love it.

I love the feeling every time she meets my eyes, I love every time she gets annoyed with me or gets flustered anytime I ask her an unexpected question, the way she looks around the room with those big blue doll-like eyes, trying to avoid my eyes and face every time I get too close to her face, that perfect, beautiful, annoyed face. "Mr.Banks, will you answer my question?" I get knocked out of my thoughts, look at my business teacher who is giving me an annoyed look. I look at the question on the board. "Is it B?" I guess, hoping it's right.

"That is the previous question's answer, can someone else answer please who was ACTUALLY paying attention?" She says, looking at the rest of the class after giving me a disappointed look. I couldn't care less. She can be as annoyed and disappointed as she wants, it's not like I'm failing the class. "Is it D?" A girl somewhere behind me says, I recognise her voice, mostly because Ronan has this fucking obsessive crush over her and is constantly hanging around her, clearly annoying her.

I also recognise her since she's friends with said blonde that I was just thinking about. "Correct." The teacher says, giving her an approving smile. "Nice job Kimmy." Ronan says, leaning closer to her desk with his chair.
"Stop calling me that and leave me alone Ronan." She says, giving him a bored expression before looking back at her notes. "As you wish." Ronan bows his head before going back to his desk. "Dude, you need to take the hint, she doesn't like you." Nate says, nudging him on the shoulder as he laughs. "Trust me, she will soon enough." He says, rolling his eyes before pushing Nate's arm away.

"What's your obsession with her anyways?" I question, turning around to look at him. "It's not an obsession, more like a challenge, or a quest." He whispers so quietly that I wouldn't have heard him if he hadn't leaned in closer to me. "Alright, whatever you say Ro." I say before turning back around, smirking to myself. Liar. We all know Ronan likes Kim, he just refuses to admit it and makes up excuses as to why he hangs around her so much.

"Alright class, you're dismissed, don't forget, the homework is due next Tuesday, so you better have all done it by then." The teacher says as all the students, including me stand up and get out bags and walk out the door. One more lesson and then I'll get to see her at lunch. I hate when I have different classes from her the whole day. It's fucking frustrating and so inconvenient. "What's up captain, thinking about a certain blonde again?" Nate says as he puts his arm around my neck as we walk. "That's none of your business Nate." I say, pushing his arm off me.

"Alright, I'll leave you alone. I have to get to class anyway. Wish me luck, I have to deal with this guy all on my own for the whole of this next lesson." Nate says, pointing to Ronan who is standing right beside him with headphones on and looking at his phone. "I heard that." He says, not looking up from his phone, probably stalking Kim's Instagram account again, checking to see if she has posted anything new.

"Kim posted anything new Ronan?" I say, glancing at him as Nate laughs.
"Not since this morning when she posted a picture of her coffee on her story." He says, still scrolling, god he is obsessed, if I didn't know any better I would think he was a creepy stalker. Yet he still denies that he is or that he likes her. Stubborn little shit.
"Alright, well, see you at lunch Captain.'' Nate says, putting his arm around Ronan's neck, walking him to their class since he isn't going to look up from his phone anytime soon. I almost wish Nate would just let him keep walking till he runs into a wall, oh well.

I start walking to my class when I spot blonde hair from the corner of my eye. I wasn't sure if it was her until I heard that laugh, that insatiable, angelic laugh. I love seeing her laugh, the way her nose scrunches up a bit and she tilts her head back. And that adorable little snort that she does. I could listen to her laugh all day, too bad the only time she talks to me is when she disapproves of something I do. All I can do is admire her from afar and watch her. I look at who she is walking with. She's with that girl from this morning that dragged her away. I think her name's Reina.

She and Kim are her closest friends though I see her around tons of girls all the time. But whenever it's lunch or recess, she won't let anyone else besides them two sit with her. She keeps her inner circle small and doesn't allow many people in. She's popular, I guess it comes with being a Lord's daughter. Yet she talks to minimum people at school. However, whenever she is outside of school, she's the most sociable person you could meet. It's like a completely different person. She's like a butterfly, at school, she's in her little cocoon but as soon as she's out, she spreads her wings out and flies high. A social butterfly through and through.
She fascinates me everyday with something new. Always full of surprises and knew tricks up her sleeve.

She stops laughing and looks straight at me, her icy blue eyes meet mine and widen as soon as she sees me. She quickly looks away and acts like she didn't see me and just continues her conversation. I hate when she does that. When she acts like I don't exist. I'm fine with her getting annoyed at me and scolding me for making fun of some random kid, but whenever she pretends I'm not there makes me go insane. Just the thought of her ignoring me annoys the shit out of me, never mind her actually doing it.

I start walking in her direction but she walks into her classroom before I can reach her.
Dammit. Once again, she gets away from me. "Yo Captain, ready for class?" Chris, one of the players on my team says as he walks up to me, pulling my attention away from where she was just standing. "Sure, just wanna get this day over with." I say, starting to walk towards class with them, annoyed that I didn't get to talk to her."I hear you man, though I can't wait for practice, our next game is coming up in a week, we all gotta practice." He says before drinking his energy drink. "You think I don't know that? I'm the captain of the team Chris, if anyones gonna make sure all you idiots practise, it's me." I say, glaring ahead to somewhere.

"Woah, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today." Chris says, laughing nervously. "Don't test me Chris." I warn, walking into class.
Alright, sorry Captain." He says before walking to his seat and I do the same.
Just have to get through this lesson and I'll get to see her.

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