Yummy yummy angst

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So this was before I wrote any of this fanfic like the writing and I thought of it in maths because I mean it's maths 😔
TW: $h,blade (if i should add lmk)
Summary- this is after Charlie finds out vaggie is an exorcist but before Charlie makes a deal with al (idk how to put it well)
"Charlie wait please" vaggie pleaded but the princess of hell was already out of reach. Vaggie lip trembled and her legs gave way, ending her up on the floor crying. There was so much pain in her head. Too much. She and Charlie basically never fought and if they did it was something small, so this was going to impact both of them negatively. Vaggie thought she wouldn't break her promise so soon right? She didn't care about it and Charlie is mad at her right now so she probobly doesn't care either, so who cares! Slowly she got up off the floor and made her way to their shared closet and took out a well hidden small box from her side. She took it with her and sat back on the floor. Cautiously she opened the box, there it was glinting brightly in the lights. She took it out half hesitating. She needed to get rid of the pain but the only way to really make it stop even though it would only be temporarily for a few days till the cycle repeated itself but still she had to turn it physicial. Slowly she put the blade to her skin,she felt her skin barrier break. Stinging. Golden blood started slowly trickling down her hand landing on the floor. The stinging sensation again, but that had so much comfort it made her feel comfortable she was getting the right punishment she knew it. That sting she loved its feel, she needed more, taking the blade back up to her skin she made more cuts along her arm. Lots of the golden Ichor was dripping down her arm and there was a puddle of it on the floor.

Eventually She felt light headed, vaggie felt like she would faint any moment. Slowly she put down the blade on the floor and rested her head against the bed. Closing her eyes she rembered thinking, "it wouldn't be so bad if I never woke up"

————————— few minutes later —————————

Charlie was feeling bad, she and vaggie never ever had arguments that escalated that far. To her knowledge there was nothing sharp in their room so at least she knew vaggie wouldn't hurt herself. She had been aware of vaggies self harming a bit after they stated dateing and she was getting better. She hoped this fight wouldn't be bad for their relationship , she wanted to check on vaggie to be able to talk this fight through like all their others but this one wasn't like the others. Charlie went up the stairs and stood outside their room. Knock knock knock. No answer from vaggie, Charlie sighed. "If she doesn't answer again then I'm coming in"she thought to herself. Knock knock knock. No answer. "Alright vags I'm coming in". She opened the door and what she saw shocked her. "VAGGIE!". What the princess saw that day will haunt her for the rest of her life, she saw her love on the floor possibly dead. She looked onto vaggies arms, cuts were everywhere around them long ones short ones deeper ones, she couldn't believe this, she couldn't. Then she looked to the floor there it was a blade covered in her loves golden blood. She thought that they got rid of them looks like she lied... Before she knew it tears were falling down her face and she started ugly crying (frying*exp at the end), up until this point she was sort of just standing there paralised in shock. Desperately Charlie ran over to where the fallen angel was, she checked for a pulse, a pulse was there! She wasn't dead. Hopeing that vaggie would wake when she heard Charlie she just kept on calling out "vaggie wake up please, vaggie can you hear me". Each time she got louder and louder until her terrified screams were heard throughout the whole hotel.

That realisation sunk in. She knew vaggie didn't like people seeing her vunrable, heck she always hid her vulnerability even from Charlie even though they were dateing. Quickly snapping back from her thoughts she thought that she heard footsteps from multiple of the Hazbins approaching the noise. Quickly she sprinted to the door and locked it. She didn't know what to do, if she took vaggie to get help would the medical staff even know how to help a fallen angel? She didn't loose too much blood right? If she just dabs the blood away she'll be fine.

————————— few hours later ——————————
The hours felt more like days, Charlie was just anxiously waiting for vaggie to wake up she hoped she'd wake up.
Then while Charlie was lost in worrying a groan came from where vaggie was. "OMG VAGGIE YOUR OK YOUR OK" Charlie started screaming. Vaggie winced at the loud noise.
"Too loud?"
Vaggie just nodded. She felt guilty she got Charlie worrying over her, she felt something on her wrist, bandages, all around her wrist. Then Charlie started kissing them, that felt nice it made her feel warm inside. They both hugged and it felt like time had stopped, it was just them together forever. Then Charlie spoke "vags, why did you start again, you you promised you wouldn't an-and I thought we got rid of them. Tell me how did you get more and I know you wouldn't use your spear, so why please tell me" Charlie pleaded she needed to know what had happened that made her so upset that she got urges and then cut herself. "I-I umm I kept one and I hid it away in the closet, for when I have bad days and, and and" vaggie was just stumbling over her words this was reminding her of the time Charlie found out about this. She chocked back her sobs. "You can cry,it's ok to cry" Charlie reassured her "take a moment and calm down then tell me ok but you have to tell me or I can't help you".

       After a while the silence apart from small sniffles from vaggie was broken. "I just had so much pain in my head and I didn't know what to do so, I-i had to make it physical so, I did it again"
"Vags why didn't you get me even if I was mad at you it would only be for a bit, I still wouldn't want you to relapse I wouldn't want anyone to relapse"
"I don't know I just didn't know what to do anymore and I just had to ok"
"No vaggie it's not ok, and I-i can't loose you"
"I-I won't I promise"
"Wanna hug"
"Yea I'd like that"

Charlie got closer to vaggie and spooned her, they were in the peace of their room, door locked so no one could come in, now wasn't a time for interruptions. Charlie started combing through vaggies hair with her fingers, at that the moth demon relaxed and let out a pleased sigh. Eventually both of the lovers fell asleep in the comofort of each others embrace

Am I self projecting onto vaggie? Yes I am😘 So I found this but when I was copying it down I edited it and acctually added more to it probobly over half of it is just extra that I added. Anyways hoped yall liked this angst currently my life has been giving angst and relapsing😍 so I bring angst I have some requests to write so they will be coming soon hopefully and I did think of more headcanons for vaggie and Charlieduring school today but it was on paper bc my phone got taken at school😞 Oop realised how long this became😭
*I originally wrote this on Papper and spelt cry as fry so yea funny :D
Words: 1355

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