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Some canons too and this will involve more agere ones too! REMEMBER THESE ARE HEADCANONS
                          VAGGIE HEADCANONS
•lesbian(it's canon but still putting it here)
•demigirl (she/they)
•age regressor
•her wings are how you can tell how she's feeling because her face is pretty stoic
•hates I mean hates loud noises
•depending on her mood she could get overstimulated easier like if she's pissed it would be easier
•I think she was alive then she offed themselves and I also think that people can't go to hell if they killed themsleves but she had some sins so she had to be an exterminator
•sensory issues
•music she'd listen to: Melanie Martinez and Lana Del Rey
•love languages: words of affirmation, bakeing (feel like she'd be rlly good at bakeing and generally enjoy it) and quality time
                                   Age regression
•little age- 1-3 (she doesn't usually regress much older but occasionally does)
•happy stimmy baby! :D
•the hotel knows about her and Charlie's regression and Charlie encourages the usage of it let's just say there's more than just two littles at the hotel now
•flip with a little lean
•not that she's embarrassed but like she don't feel comfortable regressing near loads of people and like only comfortable near certain people
•usual little gear: paci,sippy, bat stuffy called mango,padding(istg if anyone sexualises that😡)

                       CHARLIE HEADCANONS
•bi (again ik it's canon but still putting it)
•age regressor
•she hates when it's quiet like dead silent like she needs there to be at least a small noise like a background noise
•i feel like she'd be a swiftie
•musicals>normal movies/shows(facts)
•love languages: physical touch, words of affirmation
                               Age regression
little age- 2-5
•feel like she would have loads of duck themed things when little
•she unlike vaggie isn't scared to regress around people and will pretty much regress around anyone
•usual little gear: paci,sippy,duck stuffie called duckie( i have a duck stuffie and it's called duckie so i will put it here somehow),padding(not all the time usually when she's 2-3 in headspace)
So here are more headcanons because I was in school and got bored but I was too scared to secretly go on my phone(normal school) and also had my phone taken off me(polish school) so yea idk why ik saying this😭 I have more for vaggie because yes
Words: 409

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