This Is Peace

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(Most of these are about my siblings moving away, others are written about the beauty of the earth)

Chapter 2

I didn't think I'd be alive to see the mountains
To see you leave home
To find the one you love
I didn't think I'd be alive to see you this happy
But The mountains sure are beautiful
The air smells of flowers and forestry
And you look like you are where you're meant to be right now
The air isn't heavy
And things aren't like they used to be
And I'm happy.
I'm hiking through the mountains
Standing by the river
Looking at the sunset
Instead of out the hospital window
My hearts not heavy
But it is in love
I didn't think I'd be alive long enough to want to be.


Stop asking your legs where they're taking you
Follow them blindly
Allow yourself to walk through life
Without asking about the purpose of each move you are making
Allow yourself to find beauty instead of searching for it
Because more times than not it's right in front of you.


Sitting here
Miles away from home
But this is that place for you

I watch as two people in love become each other's family.

I bring in the boxes
The bags
I help put everything away

You went from being the top of my bunk bed
to the other side of his bed

And I couldn't be more happy for you
It'll hurt
Taking that plane
Leaving you here
I wouldn't want anything less
You found home
You found your person
Your passion
Your dreams
You're following them
Your taking risks
Your choosing yourself

You're not going to live with your siblings forever
But they will hold your small hands in theirs and guide you through your childhood
They'll walk on the dangerous side of the street
They'll teach you to look both ways
They'll walk with you at your own pace
Until they have to cross it
And when they do
Don't grab their hand
Let them be
They have places where they are meant to be
You can't clip the wings of someone born to fly
Let them fly


As you drive past the valleys
And the dirt roads
As you drive away from our childhood home
I hope you feel a little sad
That the good memories
Outshine the bad
You only feel like you're losing something
If you loved something
But you're not losing anything
Let the memories shine
Don't close the blinds
Let the sun hit your face
And if you cry
Remember no matter where you are the same sun will shine
I hope the sadness is only temporary grief
Of the child that has grown

I hope you feel free from guilt
I hope you know
There's a place for you
In the mountains
There's a place for you in the valleys
And if you look at the mountains long enough it just might remind you of home

You're not leaving forever
At least we don't think
But this is the end of an era
It's the start of a journey
Cause you're destined for something more

You've already climbed as high as you can on our flat land
You may be able to see our living sky's
But when you climb high enough you can reach it
It's time for something bigger
It's time for you to climb


Your going to second-guess yourself
Your going to wonder if you made the right decision
You might regret it
You might think it's too hard
You might think you are not strong enough
But nothing easy is worth moving for
Nothing hard
Comes naturally
It's going to take work
It's going to take communication
But that's why you can grow you can learn
Adjust and adapt
Someone saw something in you
The passion and drive
They saw your wings
They knew you could fly
And our gonna get their
But first, you have to walk
First, you have to climb
Your gonna get their
Your gonna make it
Give yourself time
Let any thoughts saying otherwise subside


My sister moving away

No mountains too high for me to reach you

There are a lot of things my mental health stole from me as a child, but the one I grieved the most was my time with you.

We will never be kids again
Well never share a room again
We won't ever play school again
We won't have sleepovers on Christmas Eve
You won't ever walk me to school
Or read me to sleep
Because we've grown up
And outgrew our toddler-sized beds
I just wish I knew how quickly we'd grow
And how far apart that would take us

I don't wanna be alone again
Your all close
At least for the summer
The house is loud
We have to fight for the tv
I don't want it to be quiet again

Your purpose is too big
It would be impossible to stuff into this small town
You can't make a difference in a place that never changes
You have to venture far



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