Author's Note

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To my dearest beloved readers,

Please accept my sincere apologies for the delayed update. It has been almost a month since I've update the story. Please do bear with me.

It has been a roller-coaster ride of emotion for me. I tried to write a couple of times in the past month or so but all of the chapters were scrapped because I found that I was writing rubbish and the plot wasn't up to my standards. I have always disliked submitting product that is below what I think is average / my expectations.

Please bear with me.

Unfortunately, I have lost my beloved father on 19th April 2024. He passed on minutes before I arrived at the hospital. He was diagnosed with advanced stage four cancer which has spread to a lot of his organs inclusive of his bones. He had to undergo a major spinal surgery earlier in March after his admittance to stabalise his spine and there they found more masses on his bones.

He made it out okay but the recovery was terrible. He could have succumbed from the radiotherapy he had to go through. The trial run was okay but when he went for his first session, the pain got a little too much for him I think.

On 19th April 2024, I received a call from his doctor, saying he isn't doing to well. When I arrived, it was a little too late. The next thing I knew, the funeral was done by 5pm.

I will be honest with my dearest readers. I am not holding on too well. Everything was too sudden.

The only solace I could take was that he may have known how much it would have hurt me, he left before I arrived and the doctors mentioned that he passed on abruptly and painlessly.

My advice for my dearest readers who may have their parents still.

Throw away all the grudges you may have with your elderly parents and spend as much time as you can. I had held on grudges against my late father for over 15 to 18 years and only started to rekindle our relationship in the past 4 months. I have so many regrets right now which I must carry with me till death greets me.

At least he has been relieved from all this worldly pain there is.

I will be fine right? I don't know. It has been taking up 100% of my energy not to breakdown and to hold down my emotions especially in front of my  handsome neurodivergent (autism) angel.

As for the story, rest assured. I will definitely be updating it. But please allow me some time to stand again, dust it off and carry on with life as per normal.

I will be back.

Thank you so much for the 5K reads. Seeing that I still have readers, made my sombre day a little brighter.


Warmest Regards,

Anelida Hyun XOXO

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