007 anytime ever soon

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(3hrs ago) 4:32pm

bellastar ☆🪄     | sbellbound
oh god, not another rockstar 🙄🙄 specifically the lyric "hand me down jewels and your dirty blonde hair"
638 retweets 9.3k likes

bellastar ☆🪄     | sbellbound
should i be cool and mysterious by bringing
a book? "i didn't even want to go to this concert, i just wanted to read. who even is gene gallagher?" kinda vibes
837 retweets 6.8k likes

bellastar ☆🪄     | sbellbound
i hope i get noticed 😬🙈😨🤞
1.2k retweets 10.8k likes

bellastar ☆🪄     | sbellbound
NEW! (8/3/24) Gene Gallagher named his band after her (source: he told me)

bellastar ☆🪄     | sbellboundNEW! (8/3/24) Gene Gallagher named his band after her (source: he told me)

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1.8k retweets 10.2k likes

user     user
gene has a band?! since when lol

user     user
     ↳ replying to user
shhhh we're trying to gatekeep

bellastar ☆🪄     sbellbound
     ↳ replying to user
there are about ten people who know about his band ... and unfortunately i am one of them, i'm so jealous of you and your blissful ignorance

gene gallagher gallagher_gene
I've never seen that woman in my life

bellastar ☆🪄     sbellbound
     ↳ replying to gallagher_gene
that's so homophobic of you tbh, the bbc are gonna sue you

gene gallagher gallagher_gene
     ↳ replying to sbellbound
For using a word?

bellastar ☆🪄     sbellbound
     ↳ replying to gallagher_gene
for stealing my wife's name!

user user
     ↳ replying to sbellbound
serious question, does gene even know any references? i swear all this man says is 'i don't know what that is'

bellastar ☆🪄     sbellbound
     ↳ replying to user
his brain is just man city and me 😔😔

user user
     ↳ replying to user
tweeting "i hope i get noticed" whilst knowing this man is whipped is so funny

Look What You Made Me Do,    Gene Gallagher Where stories live. Discover now