008 hold a grudge

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imessage ━━ group chat
the girls 💗💕💖 (+ eli and rob)     9 people

imessage   ━━   group chatthe girls 💗💕💖 (+ eli and rob)     9 people

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isabella starling ...     lil' isabeatla
anaïs gallagher ... chief jr
elijah hewson ... ewhinejah
robert keating ... rob.
ryan mcmahon ... ryon/ryoff
rosie hastings ...     flower power
grace burns ... 🪽🔥
josh jenkinson ...     it's so use, jo(sh)
cameron denver ...    flashed me

can someone please please
please tell rosie to unblock me
please ☹️☹️

chief jr
four 'please's damn, you are

I am so glad you counted, I was
really struggling, I kept getting to
three and then forgetting what was
next but thank god math legend
Anaïs was here to help

lil' isabeatla
we've found the leader of the
sassy man apocalypse!!

flashed me
& it was so unnecessary 😭

I was being serious. Four is a
very big number

i have a tip! use your fingers to
help count xx

lil' isabeatla
you're literally in a FOUR man
band ...

We're people not numbers, idiot
I use a thing called 'our names'

lil' isabeatla
you can't call me an idiot!! you're
the one who just said they couldn't
count to four!

That was clearly a joke

chief jr
"I was being serious"

God everyone takes things so
literal these days

If I said I was a bird you'd all
probably believe it, since apparently
everything I say is true

it's no use jo(sh)
I believe that you could accomplish
anything you wanted, so if you
really wanted to be a bird I think
you could

It would be pretty cool to be a
bird to be honest, they're just so
peaceful and beautiful

flashed me
wholesome bird rob!!! my fave

Look What You Made Me Do,    Gene Gallagher Where stories live. Discover now