005 teenage girlism

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underground indie artists 3 people

imessage   ━━   group chat underground indie artists     3 people

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isabella sterling ... bella of the ball
rosie hastings ... flower power
sam fender ...     the pie guy 🥧

bella of the ball
gene gallagher is the nastiest
ugliest annoying ass skankiest
bitch ever, fuck that whore!!!!!

flower power
... okay miss regina george
pop off bestie

the pie guy 🥧
What are ya moaning bout now?

bella of the ball
you need to work on the
teenage girlism, sam xx

flower power
gossip 101: never criticise or
try to disagree

bella of the ball
ooohhhh, let's test him

the pie guy 🥧
I never asked to be apart of this


flower power
don't act like you don't love us

the pie guy 🥧
I'm not saying that

... Just that I don't want to be
a teenage girl

bella of the ball
okay so question one, hypothetically
say that i ran gene over with a double
decker bus ... and then a car and, just
be sure, an electric scooter i stole from
a chav lurking outside maccies.

what would you say/do?

the pie guy 🥧
I'm worried that isn't a

bella of the ball
it is! (for now 😀)

the pie guy 🥧
I'd say fuckin hell morrisey

flower power

bella of the ball
i love the smiths

flower power

bella of the ball
i said, i love the smiths

flower power
credits roll, standing ovation,
we win ten oscar's, we become
EGOT winners

bella of the ball
anyway sam you failed.

Look What You Made Me Do,    Gene Gallagher Where stories live. Discover now