009 you're so vain

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isabella starling ...     baSTARd
gene gallagher ...     dilf's son

dilf's son
You okay?

i cannot believe what i'm
witnessing!!! gene gallagher awake
at ten o'clock ... in. the. morning.

dilf's son
You're assuming I've slept

god i should've know 😔

is "you okay?" your version
of a "are you up" text?

dilf's son
I actually woke up 8 today

actually 🤓☝️

dilf's son
Why do you even know my
sleeping habits?

you usually text me after
noon, never before

and you're only active later on
in the day on socials and things

dilf's son
So you're stalking me?

NO! i just notice EVERYTHING,
it's a blessing and a curse 😔

dilf's son

*observant ... and smart and hot
and talented

dilf's son
Sure 👌 ... definitely not just
a creep 👀

"Sure 👌" fuck off i fucking
hate you

dilf's son
You hate me soooo much you
know my sleep schedule

and i know elijah hewson drinks
flat whites even though he says he
only likes black coffee

like i said, i notice things

dilf's son
I know what you're doing and
it's not working

i literally do not have any idea
about what you could possibly

dilf's son
You're trying to make me jealous
by bringing up that guy

you just called bono's son "that
guy", when you know his name,
and claimed you're not jealous

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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