1K 39 3

JEON JUNGKOOK (20 years old )
Very innocent
Caring person
Always ready to help others
Parents (Died)   When he was 2 years old
Don't have any friends or siblings
Abusive (uncle LIM)
               (aunt   KEA)
Always think low about himself because everyone treats him like that .
Doing 2 to 3  jobs in different restaurants because of his abusive uncle and aunt .
Always wear mask either in home or outside
(in short when people are around him)
Let's move to story ->
Do you accept JEON JK as your lawful husband  ?
KIM TAEHYUNG - I DO (Disgusting face )

Do you accept KIM TAEHYUNG as your lawful husband  ?
JEON JK - I DO (small voice)

I declare you both as husband's now you have to kiss each other to seal this relationship .

Tae bring his face close to jk and whisper in his ear
Tae - wait and watch how i make you regret your actions !
And kiss his own hand that place on jk forhead to show that he actually kiss jk

(This is a forced married for both tae and jk !
In case of tae he is involved in this marriage because his parents forced him to marry jk because they found jk perfect for their son and in case of jk he marry tae because his step parents forced him and also tae parents plead him to marry their son because tae parents think that only jk can change tae behaviour)

(And there is also a secret reason why tae parents love jk and actually begged him to marry tae .
You will get to know the reason in later story)

So after marriage tae take jk to the mansion that is gifted by tae parents so that the couple can have their privacy.

KIM TAEHYUNG (22 years old)
Hate poor peoples
Never been in relationship but now is married to JK only because of his parents .
Parents Dad (KIM NAMJOON)
              Mom(KIM SEOKJIN)
Always think high about himself

Return to story-
As soon as the couple enter in the mansion tae pin jk harshly to the wall and grab his jaw tightly
(jk is still wearing his mask)

Tae - listen you disgusting shit don't ever think that I accept you as my husband .
I marry you because my parents force me and on top of that if they didn't force me still i never marry a cheap person like you .
So you are just a worker for me UNDERSTOOD?

Jk - yes (small voice)

Tae - And one more thing  never ever try to complain these to my parents otherwise you see the worst side of me .
And that is your room (points towards a store room)
And there is no maids in the mansion and why i need them because you are also a maid for me so do all the house chores yourself .
And i want my three time meals on time so make sure to wear gloves when you prepare food because I don't want you to touch any thing related to me from your filthy hands .
And eat your food outside with your own money
Don't ever think that i will give you money .
That is the reason why you manipulate my parents right ?
You think that i don't know your intentions but i very well know gold digger like you marry rich people's for money.
Disgusting shit !
And one more thing don't ever take that mask off it suits you otherwise i have to see your ugly face .
Now go and make dinner for me ! (rudely)
(Jk just nod)
And go to kitchen to make food
(He is very hurt about the allegations put by his so called husband on him.
But from childhood he is used to those harsh words ,those harsh treatments given by his abusive uncle and aunt so it's not new for him .
Few tears leave from his eyes which he harshly remove because he don't want to look pathetic and shed tears for a person who didn't care if he live or die.
But in the end every human feel pain .
But he only have 1 question from his childhood that why only he have to suffer when he was never at fault ?
When he did not do anything wrong then why people treat him like that !
Just because he wear cheap clothes, always have a mask on his face or because that he always help others without expecting any return from them ?
Did not he deserve happiness just for once ?
It's not like he want to marry kim taehyung !
He is also forced in this marriage.
He marry kim taehyung because of the pleadings of tae own parents and force from his abusive step parents!
So he only wants that if his so called husband can not respect this marriage at least he can respect him because no one have rights to degrade someone just because they are poor .
He is not that type of pathetic people who fall for people handsomeness !
No matter if that handsome person even respects you or not!
For him both inside or outside beauty matters .
So from his (point of view) there is no difference between his so called husband and his abusive step parents !

Back to story ->
After making food he go to inform tae about the dinner.
He knock on his door to inform him that the dinner is ready but in return he only receive harsh reply because his sleep get disturbed by door knocking sound to which he only mutter a small (sorry) when he is not even at fault .
When tae eat first bite he also gets surprised by the taste but decided to not to give any compliment because for him it's work of a maid to made good food.
All the time jk stand by his side when he is eating food it's not like he is hungry or something infact he eat only 1 time meal or some snacks during a day so he is standing there in waiting for his so called husband to finish his dinner so that he can wash the dishes.
After eating the food tae goes directly to his room to sleep without any care that his husband eat or not and why the hell he care when he himself told him to eat outside with his own money .
And in case of jk after washing dishes he directly go to the room which is actually a store room where there is not even a bed only a fan , a light and a light sheet to cover his body .
And for your kind information it's winter season but it did not matter for jk because he face the same problem in his step parents house so he is used to it .

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