four, project allocations.

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FOUR 🗞️ ˎˊ˗
real life.

"why is he looking at me

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"why is he looking at me." aurelia muttered out, my head snapping up from my work to see her shooting daggers toward a certain soccer player, who had no one other than alex palmer holding onto him, giggling and trying to capture his attention.

now she may look like an angel. and talk like one but take it from everyone when we say she was basically the devil in disguise. she had dirt on almost anyone and when the opportunity came fit to it, she would use to ruin that person's reputation. the worst part was no one ever knew what kinds of dirt she would have on them because they wouldn't have thought there was dirt on them to begin with.

"maybe he thinks you're cute." sam stated out before widening his eyes at aurelia's darkened look shooting at him now. "i'm just saying!"

"yeah right. me and brady? when pigs fly. also i don't date players and brady noon is the biggest one there is." aurelia stated and i raised my brows at her, along with sam and hayden.

"she says this now.." hayden muttered beside me, making me snort out in laughter. "i heard that!" aurelia exclaimed out then, making the rest of us fall in soft chuckles.

aurelia's never been one to enter a relationship that easily and if she were in one, she was extremely picky with her choice of men. which were understandable, she was a high maintenance girl of course.

"lia, you never know. brady might actually surprise you one of these days and show he's not just a player." i tried to reassure the situation. "i'll believe it when i see it." she crossed her arms before going back to glaring at brady.

i rolled my eyes at her playfully before going back to my book before the class door opened and closed. i'd thought it would be our teacher, mr laurier coming in finally, hence why i looked up.

though i wished i hadn't. seriously, how did i forget that me and him were sharing a class for this year...

connor's eyes instantly met mine and i immediately wanted to look away and back to my book but i just couldn't.

why couldn't i just look away..why did his eyes and gaze have to be so hypnotic..?

finally enough, he were the first to look away from our staring contest as he went over to sit next to brady and another girl, who they immediately started chatting away and i could feel a pang of envy in my chest at them.

i think her name were eloise? i didn't really know her that much except the fact that she transferred from london during junior year and became the boy's soccer team's team manager, which meant them, brady and connor had grown to be quite closer over the year.

𝗛𝗔𝗟𝗟𝗘𝗬'𝗦 𝗖𝗢𝗠𝗘𝗧, connor noon.Where stories live. Discover now