seventeen, i need to tell you something.

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real life.
⚠️ mentions of eating disorders.

⚠️  mentions of eating disorders

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"shit..that's rough man, i'm sorry." i tilted my head at my brother, who was laying on my bed now, a stone cold expression on his face. "it's fine. not like she even liked me anyways. she and hayden deserve each other."

"well yeah but-." "so you think they deserve each other?" he sat up from his place at my words. "well i mean, you did say that-!"

"that doesn't mean you agree with me?!" he exclaimed before groaning out, marching out of my room and slamming the door behind him, my eyes widening at his sudden tantrum. who knew denial crushes could make you act like a raging gorilla..?

i sighed softly, laying on my bed and checking my phone for probably the 4th time already in the span of 20 minutes. 5pm and she still weren't here.

i was already stressing over what i had to tell her but her not even being here.. not being able to see her and seriously hurting my head.

i probably would have go mental if the doorbell didn't ring at that. i swiftly got out of bed, grabbing my blanket nearby and wrapping it over my head and me as i went to get the door, madison standing behind it and holding a bakery bag in her arms.

god she was so beautiful...

"you look like a grunch." she snorted out as i let her in. "i do not look like a grunch, how dare you." i coughed out as we went upstairs to my room. "sure connie baby, sure."

my heart leaped at the use of the nickname. "you called me connie baby..?" "of course i did. it's my favourite nickname for you."

i couldn't stop the smile from stretching on my lips then as i sat across my bed, her sitting beside me. "anyways i brought your favourite cookies. chocolate chip."

"god madison, i fucking love you." i took the bag from her hands before pausing at what had just came from my mouth.

did i actually just say that!!? and yet, i made no attempts to take it back. "uhh.." i trailed out as she just stared at me, stunned before chuckling out softly. "i love you too bestie." she nudged my arm softly at that and i felt my excitement drop from within in.

i don't know i'd even thought otherwise. i ate the cookies as we sat in silence. not really uncomfortable silence but it was slightly awkward.

i kept telling myself that i knew. that i had to tell her about what ethan had told me. she deserved to know the truth but how could i explain it in a way that wouldn't make her panic or make me feel any worse than i'd already felt these last few hours..?

"princess.." "ethan told me something strange this morning after practice."

shit, did he tell her already?? he said he wouldn't!

𝗛𝗔𝗟𝗟𝗘𝗬'𝗦 𝗖𝗢𝗠𝗘𝗧, connor noon.Where stories live. Discover now