five, boyfriend 'tendencies.'

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FIVE 🗞️ ˎˊ˗
real life.

FIVE 🗞️ ˎˊ˗real life

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"so..hey guys.." brady started off the conversation, just for it to end in silence as everyone practically avoided eye contact with each other.

tough crowd...

"i like your pin." eloise looked up at, i think his name was sam? as he pointed at the sapphic pin she had on their shirt. "oh...thanks.." she trailed off his grace, his eyes shifting down again as our table fell silent again.


"okay guys, we have to be able to at least talk to each other if we wanna pass this assignment. how about we do a sort of icebreaker to get to know each other?" madison placed her hands on the table then, her gaze fluttering at basically everyone.

everyone but me. i didn't blame her though; i did inevitably broke her heart. i wouldn't look at me either if that were the case.

"i guess we could do that.." aurelia agreed, which led to everyone else agreeing. "so just introduce yourself and three interesting facts about yourself." madison smiled and i hid my own behind my palm at her.

i'd always admired how she were able to take charge and also be inclusive with everyone else. it was one of the things i truly loved about her.

i still did...

"okay well i'll go first i guess.. my name's aurelia.. i'm eighteen. three facts about me is i have a little sister that's starting here next year.. i work as a barista and i live alone."

"wait isn't your dad like stupid rich? why would you wanna live alone when you can live off of him." brady interjected. "brady!" i whisper-yelled at him, signalling him to just stop talking there.

"maybe because some of us don't want to solely rely on our parents' money and want to make a living of our own. just a thought though brady." aurelia snapped back, anger filled in her tone.


brady simply just raised his hands in a defence motion, despite his face twisted into a sly smirk and i rolled my eyes at whatever it were that he was insinuating.

"ignore him. this is the same dude that dressed up as a rat for halloween last year." eloise exposed, brady's eyes widening at the revelation as his cheeks tinted pink. "it was one time! and it was a dare from him!" he pointed at me.

"hey i never said it were a dare, i just said you didn't have the balls to do it." now i was the one who raised my hands in defence. "you mean i wore that suit for NOTHING?!"

and before long, everyone was chuckling at the memory of brady practically burning alive in the rat suit last halloween and i quickly stole a glance at madison, who was sipping on her water bottle for probably the 4th time today in class already.

𝗛𝗔𝗟𝗟𝗘𝗬'𝗦 𝗖𝗢𝗠𝗘𝗧, connor noon.Where stories live. Discover now