It can't be

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A: "oh and Demi you have been served" .. ( I say handing her her the feed piece of paper )

D: "what ? Alana what's all this about? Why are you suing me?"

Why does she seem so relaxed ? I just handed her papers stating that I'm suing her and she is using a baby voice with me. Ughhhh this is the reason Dallas became my legal guardian she's the only one who treats me like the adult I am.
I must have zoned out because the next thing I hear is Dallas speaking to Demi and I can tell she is trying to contain her anger.
Da: "she is suing you because of the countless times you beat and cut her. Demi you endangered her health. Not just physically but mentally. I bet you don't know how many times I hear Alana in her bathroom crying over the scars you gave her Or the times where she is utterly terrified because of the nightmares she has of you or the time where I had to hold her entire body down because she threatened to cut herself. I don't think you understand the pain that you have caused her and it's in her best interest if you just leave her be because she might be able to forgive you one day but I will never be able to and that's the truth".

By now all I can hear is the loud obnoxious sobs of Demi crying. I can't help but feel a little bad I mean I have always had a soft spot for people crying. No stop it Alana don't give in. She hurt you way too many times and you deserve so much better.

D: "Alana I never meant to cause so much pain in you. I never meant to bruise you and scar you,both physically and mentally. But most of all I'm sorry for being such a deadbeat sister. All I cared about was making sure I had a career to come back to. I understand if you never want to work things out or never want to be near me ever again but I just pray that one day we can work all of this out as best as we could ".
Next minute I see Demi starting to walk to the door. I couldn't help myself, I ran up to her and hugged her bawling my eyes out. This is the first time I've actually believed what came out if her mouth and it feels ... Good.

A: " Demi I really want to work things out. I could never love you as much as I love Dallas but I'm willing to try and work things out one step at a time ".

I see Dallas in the corner smiling at me. I can tell she is proud of the way I handled myself and to be completely honest I am proud of myself as well. For the first time in forever I can finally say that it felt great to open up about my struggles with Demi.
After my conversation with Demi she decided to stay for dinner.
We were all telling stories and laughing about the most ridiculous things and for the first time in my life I felt accepted in my family, I felt as I belonged and I was born in the right place at exactly the right time.

We decided to watch movies as a family. Dallas decided to leave and stay at her boyfriends house ( after making sure I was alright to say here ) and as the movie was nearing the end every one except Demi and myself went to bed.
As the movie finished we sat there in silence not an awkward silence more of a calming silence.
D: Are you tired baby.. Uhh Alana ?
A: it's ok Dems you can call me that
D: really? I don't have to if you don't feel comfortable it just kind of slipped out.
A: no I like it it's comforting. And yes I am a bit tired.
D: I thought maybe uh.. If you .. Uh wanted to sleep in my bed with me tonight ? You don't have to if you don't want to.
A: that would be nice Dems do you want to go to bed now.
D: thank you baby
A: for what ?
D: For giving me another chance. I regretted not being there for you.
A: dem lets go to bed now we can talk about it tomorrow.
D: ok baby

We walk up the stairs as quiet as we can trying not to wake anyone up.
We get into Demi's room and shut the door by now I'm so exhausted and tired that I collapse onto the bed. I feel Demi tuck me in and then the blankets lifting which means she has climbed into the bed as well. I slowly turn around and wrap my arms around her waist.
A: I love you Demi

D: I love you too baby girl.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2015 ⏰

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