Chapter 5: The Midnight Horrors

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" Beneath the moon's bone-chilling light,
She bravely stands in the silent night.
Her first encounter with midnight's dread,
In solitude, she walks where fears are fed... "


"Y/n-AhH, aRe YoU a mAgiCiaN??" Namjoon slurred out with a not-so-sober voice. I suppressed my irritation, plastering on a fake smile.

"No, why?" I replied, my voice laced with hint of sarcasm that I desperately tried to mask with politeness, even though a part of me wanted to slap some cement over his mouth right now.

"CausE wHeN i loOk iNto yOuR eYes, eVeRyoNe eLsE diSaPpEaRs~" he said, followed by those drunken giggles of his. Man, he was a mess.

"Hehehe, so funny. Can we please just fucking leave this place now? It's pushing midnight, and you've downed like four freaking glasses of beer," I snapped, doing my best to hide my anger because honestly, if I didn't, I might just end up shaving off his eyebrows for real.

After enduring drunken Namjoon for what felt like an eternity, he finally agreed to head home, as if God had heard my prayers. But of course, he was in no state to walk on his own, so I ended up having to practically drag him out of there.

We made it to his car, and I practically tossed him into the passenger seat before taking the wheel myself. There was no way I was letting him drive in his current state. As I started the car, Namjoon continued to mumble something incomprehensible, but I wasn't able to hear it anyways. It was clear I needed to get him home safely.

After a few minutes, we pulled up to Namjoon's house. I helped him out of the car, struggling a bit as I dragged him towards the front door. Namjoon was gazing up at the night sky. "heY y/N~ whEre iS tHe mOooN??" he slurred, his words barely coherent.

I slowly turned my head to look at his face, shooting him a death glare. "It probably might be on a vacation," I replied, forcing a fake and sarcastic smile. He nodded as if it was the most brilliant answer ever. Well, it was brilliant, at least in shutting someone's fucking mouth.

As we stood in front of the door, it dawned on me that we didn't have the key. I turned to Namjoon, hoping he had some semblance of awareness left. "Hey Namjoon, where's the key?" I tried to keep my patience despite the frustration that was bubbling inside me.

He flashed a wide, drunken grin. "Probably on a vacation?" he fired my words back to me, his response both irritating and oddly impressive. Even in his not-really-sober state, he managed to maintain his 148 IQ. What a guy.

After what felt like a treasure hunt trying to locate the key, which involved convincing Namjoon to reveal its hiding spot, I finally managed to unlock the door and usher us inside the mansion. With some effort, I guided Namjoon to his bed and tucked him in under the blanket, ensuring he was comfortable.

"Now get some sleep if you don't wanna be late for work," I advised, handing him the keys before stepping out of the mansion, leaving Namjoon to his much-needed rest for his drunken-ass.

I walked downstairs and stepped out while closing the door behind me but then a sudden realisation hit me.

"If I leave it open, there's a risk of a thief getting in. But if I lock it, Namjoon might be stuck inside," I thought to myself, feeling frustration bubbling up inside me. With a sigh, I realized there was no other choice.

Once again, I re-entered the mansion, locking the door securely behind me. Spotting a nearby window, I cautiously made my way towards it, determined to slip out without making a sound. "Come on, come on, you're a feather," I whispered to myself, willing myself to move silently and swiftly, not wanting to risk waking anyone else.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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