Fight, Fight, Fight!

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Thank you so much guys for more than 100 views it might not be a lot to some but it is to me, thank you everyone. Also, I'm really sorry for not posting this sooner it's been busy lately, I'm trying my best to get this updated. Enjoy!

(Y/n) Pov.

I was helping Husk out at the b*r as I saw Angel come up to Husk. Though something was wrong with him mentally.

"Here you go," Husk said as he handed Angel a drink.

"Thanks kitty~," Angel said at Husk as he took the drink.

Husk walked away while rolling his eyes to help someone. I took this chance to talk to Angel.

I walked over to him and sat next to him on his side of the counter.

"Hey, Angel," I said as I made a drink in my hand.

"Oh, hey, (Y/n)~ What do I own the pleasure of being able to talk to you," he asked me as he scooted closer to me.

"Just want to talk to you, Angel," I said as he made a noise, "It seems like something is bothering you."

He laughed then straightened back up in his chair.

"Jeez baby, did you overdose on some drugs cause you've got it all wrong. This hot spider demon has nothing wrong going on," he said as he tried to convince me he's okay, "Yeah occasionally there's a bad fuck here and there but nothing to big."

I stared at Angel as he continued to rant that he was okay. Then I grabbed his hand and led him to a private balcony.

"Damn baby if you wanted some fun you could've said so," he said.

 "Angel, I didn't bring you here for that. Because respectfully no, I brought you here to talk. I can tell your trying to hide up the thing that's bothering you," I said.

He looked at me dumb founded then said, "Holy shit, went they said you were observant with people to even tell if they're lying, I didn't think they meant it!"

He sat down on a chair and placed a hand on his face as I just stood in the same spot.

 He sighed as he put his hand down and looked at the ground.

"I'm pretty sure you're not letting me go until I tell you what's wrong," he said as he looked up at me.

I nodded my head at him while still standing.

"Welp, I'm not telling you anything," he said while crossing his two sets of arms across his chest.

"Alright, I'll wait," I said as I placed my arms across my chest while putting a barrier up so no one could get in or out.

Angel was shocked about the barrier but played it cool.

Hours have passed by, most of the guests have went to bed, and all of the hotel staff gathered outside of the barrier.

I knew Angel was going to break soon because he didn't have his phone.

Angel Pov.

It's been hours and I've tried to stay story but (Y/n) has just been sitting down with their eyes closed.

Charlie was holding Fat Nuggets while sitting down on the other side of the barrier.

I couldn't hear them or anything for that fact, because (Y/n) was quiet as a mouse that I'm pretty sure they're asleep.

"Uhg, why did I have to come into (Y/n)'s line of fire? And just because I just came back from Val?! Uhg, stupid Valentino and stupid me for making a deal with him! I just had to agree to be his boy toy," I said to myself out loud.

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