The Day I Ditched My Guards

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Leaving Jontun was far easier than I expected. I knew exactly how to get to the grove of trees where the portal was from dozens of flying patrols. Every time I went over it someone would point it out as if I'd never once been there in my life. 

 One pinprick of blood transported me straight from Jontun to my family's ranch. I breathed in the gorgeous redwood-scented air on Earth for the first time in weeks and felt myself grinning like a madwoman.

I was home.

It didn't take long to get to Granmam's house. No one ever locked the front door of the big ranch house, so I walked straight inside and right into the kitchen.

Elise nearly dropped the coffee pot she was holding when she saw me. My stepmother looked exhausted, and there were dark shadows under her eyes, but it didn't stop her smile. 

"Hello, Terri," she said. "Welcome home."

"Thanks," I said. "Where is everyone?"

Elise sighed. "Dylan took the boys out to patch up one of the fences. Your dad went back to San Fransisco yesterday for a board meeting, and Clarissa went with him for some kind of intervention with your Uncle Chris."

That didn't sound good. Anytime Granmam got involved with Oakmore company meetings, she was there to guilt and shame her oldest son. She didn't mess around, and she wasn't afraid of tough love. 

"What about Jilly?" I asked. 

"She's upstairs," Elise said. "You look good, Terri. What are you wearing, though?"

I glanced down at the outfit Gayle made me. "There are halfants that tailor clothes."

"You look nice," Elise said. "Jilly will want that outfit the moment she sees it."

I smiled at that. My stepsister found cute clothes with such ease. I'd never been able to walk into any store and find clothes quickly. 

"And how are you?" Elise asked. "I mean, really. Tell me how you've been."

I didn't want to scare her. A lot of stuff had happened since I'd left, and I was sure Dad had told her about all of the things happening to me. 

"Training is easy," I said. "I learned how to fly. I'm stronger, and I'm learning how to take care of myself."

Elise smiled. "I knew the training would be good for you. Your father was so afraid that you'd be overwhelmed and forced to hide."

"I'm doing okay," I said. "Really, the halfants have been great. Moreno has been sparing with me, and I'm ready to defend myself."

Elise sucked on her lip. "He hasn't been too hard on you? I know that boy is troubled."

I almost laughed. "Moreno and I have become good friends."

"Friends, huh," Elise raised an eyebrow. "Can't say I'm surprised. He can be charming when he wants to."

My cheeks heated. "It's not like that, Elise."

"There's nothing wrong with that, Terri," Elise said. "You're a beautiful young woman, and he's a fool if he doesn't see that."

Elise was right. I could do what I wanted. I wasn't entirely sure if Moreno wanted me, but I had a strong suspicion that he might. 

My stepsister walked into the kitchen, yawning. Jilly wore a flannel top and old jeans, which was usually my look, but it didn't look bad on her. Her eyes widened when she saw me. 

"Terri, what are you doing here?" She asked. 

"Came to see the family," I said. "The compound was too boring today, and I was feeling a bit cooped up."

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