Chapter 39

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THE SAME DAY - second night, minutes to midnight...

As the clouds parted and gave way to the full moon that bathed a partially shadowed and encaged Tsukiko. Her mother, Saten, has enclosed her in another spellbinding cage with the help of three other spellcasters. The young wolf clan member stared up at the brightly lit moon as if in a trance. Her irises glowed a faint scarlet hue indicating the rage of the beast is emerging.

Her muscles pulsated as her body began to increase in height and size. Her hair grew longer and thicker, becoming fur covering her skin. Tsukiko began to scream as her limbs and facial structure shattered and rearranged themselves from their human anatomy into a beast anatomy. The young warrior cried in pain as she continued to transform, tears flowed down her canine forming face as saliva dripped from her mouth.

"You got this sweetie," Saten yelled over her daughter's screaming as her back cracked, snapped, popped, and realigned.

Tsukiko's legs were next to crack and reshape causing her to let out a growl of a scream, "It hurts."

"Just a bit longer. You're almost there honey," Saten persisted.

With the last few sickly snaps, crackles, and pops of Tsukiko's bones she was finally done transforming into her werewolf form. She had stopped crying and screaming and now she was laying on the ground. Saten and her spellcasters kept the cage up and for good reasons because in a split second Tsukiko leaped from the ground and latched onto the pink neon bars of the translucent cage. Tsukiko, with no recognition of her mother, snarled at her.

One of Saten's spellcasters spoke up, "My lady be careful." Saten gave them a reassuring head nod. "Echo, time," Saten screamed behind her.

"Six minutes," a shadowy figure said from the treeline.

"Hmm she's getting faster, but not quite fast enough though. Every second is precious, so she needs to get quicker."

"You three hold the spellbinding," Saten shouted as she broke from the spell and made her way to her snarling daughter.

Tsukiko kept snarling at her mother, but Saten didn't mind. Tsukiko tried to reach through her confinement, but the spell shocked her claw which in turn made her growl in anger.

"Tsukiko, my dearest daughter. I'm sorry we must try again 'till you have mastered the transformation," Saten paused as a single tear fell from her clear eye. She wiped the tear away before barking orders.

"Bravo, Charlie, Delta restraints!" She commanded her three spellcasters.

As she finished five magical neon chains clasped themselves around Tsukiko's wrists, ankles, and neck. The spell bending chains held Tsukiko's threshing body a few inches off the ground. Saten passed through the bars of the enclosure, she walked up to her daughter and placed a hand on Tsukiko's broad chest. Saten can feel her daughter's heart racing.

"Are you ready to try again my little Alpha?" Saten felt her daughter's heart beat begin to slow down signaling her understanding.

Saten's hand, that's on her daughter's chest, started to glow and pulsate a calming purple light. In just a few seconds Tsukiko was turned back into her human form.

"Let's begin again," Saten said to her spellcasters as she exited the cage.


night 3:42 am...

Kenji's and Tsukiko's parerants, Akio, Asuka, Saten, and Katen stand in the command center watching the camera feeds from the hunters on three monitors. Each screen is cut into four squares, the monitors are labeled as Sakura's Cafe, Doki-Doki Manga Shop, and Urutora Cinema. Three different locations, but all share the same image of blood stains, slain bodies of the innocents, and police tape.

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