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"There he is...Mark." Norawit said in a cold voice.

I was already getting nervous and felt like puking. I don't think all that drink I had earlier was a good idea. I wanted to get out of here.

I guess Norawit saw the nervousness in my face.

"It's gonna be alright. Just do as we planned." He said while glaring at Mark. I wanna know what made him hate this man so much.

I nodded and started walking towards the counter. I knew Mark liked to have a drink before any meal and I knew he would come over here.

Guess I was right because he was now coming towards my way.

I sat straight with a glass of champagne in my hand. I saw him sit 1 chair after me but he didn't notice me.

I worked up my courage and cleared my voice before saying, "Long time no see, Mark."

I saw him stiffen at his place and shot his head towards me. I gave him a small smile before looking at my glass and taking a tiny sip. I felt his gaze piercing into my skin.

"What... How are you here Fourth?" He said confused.

"Why? Can't I be here?"

"No that's not- nevermind. How are you?" He composed his cool. Even if he was shocked or surprised, he wasn't showing it.

"Nothing special." I shrugged.

We were silent for some moments. It was getting awkward. The flashbacks were coming back and I needed to go to the washroom as soon as possible.

"I'll.. excuse myself. I need to go to the washroom." I said before slipping away from there.

I walked into the washroom and went over the sink. I looked at myself. "What am I doing?" I thought to myself.

I splashed some water on my face which made me feel a little fresh. I heard the washroom door open and close behind me. I looked in the mirror only to freeze in spot.

Mark was standing behind me. Staring at me.

"How did you get here Fourth?" He asked more sternly.

"It's none of your business." I said before turning to go out. Mark suddenly held my wrist and pulled me back.

"Seriously? With Norawit? Out of everyone?"

"I told you it's none of your business! And I'll come with whoever I want." I could tell he didn't like that last sentence.

"Look Fourth, I don't fucking know what games you're playing but this? It's not fun."

"I can do whatever I want and I definitely don't want you to tell me what I should do."

"You don't know what you're doin-"

"Mark let go of my wrist!" He let go but kept his eyes on mine.

"Fine then. Play whatever game you're playing. But since you're with Norawit now... I won't hesitate to hurt you." Mark said.

"You already did it once, ofcourse you won't hesitate to do it again." I said before stepping out of the washroom, leaving Mark alone.

I was making my way to Norawit because I wasn't feeling so good. While making my way, I felt someone grab my wrist. I thought it was Mark so I didn't look back. But he pulled my arm causing me to stumble on his chest. When I realized this wasn't actually Mark, my eyes widened.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing!" I said, anger and fear bubbling inside me.

"Hey sweetheart." The middle aged man spoke. He had a nice demeanor. Nobody would've guessed how much of a pervert he is.

"Let go of me!" I raised my voice a little higher earning a few eyes on me.

"Come on.. don't be so stubborn." What was he thinking when he decided to do this in middle of a crowd.

"I said let go-" I was about to scream when another voice interrupted me.

"He said let go." Mark said in a cold voice.

"And who are you?" The man asked annoyed.

Mark smirked. "I don't think you need to know who I am."

"Well you don't have any idea who's business you're meddling with!" The man snapped and tugged on my wrist tighter.

Mark's smirk disappeared replacing it with a cold face. A lot of eyes were on us right now. Where the hell is Norawit?

The man grabbed my waist and forcefully pulled me closer. I was squirming to get away from him but his energy was no match with mine.

"I'm giving you one last chance. Let. Him. Go."

"No. I. Won't." The man said laughing.

"Alright you chose this yourself." Mark said before landing a punch on the man's right cheek.

"You bitch!" The man lunged at Mark but he dodged it. He tried again but Mark held his hand and landed another punch on his left cheek now.

All the attention were on us now and I still had no idea where Norawit was.

After Mark beat that man up until he was unconscious, he walked up to me. I just stood there frozen the entire time.

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" Mark asked putting a hand on my back, concern in his eyes.

"Yeah. I-I'm okay." I spurted out.

"Let's go and have a seat. It'll help you rela-"

"What do you think you're doing?" Another cold voice spoke from behind me. I turned to look and... There he is.

Norawit. Ofcourse he decided to show up right now.

"Yes, I'm asking you Mark." Norawit said glaring at him.

Mark chuckled. "Gemini."

I flicked my eyes back and forth between the two of them. Gemini? Is that his nickname?

"Take your hands off of him."

"Still can't take care of what's yours huh? You need to be more responsible you know."

"Stop talking and take your fucking hands off of him."

"Alright.. alright.. I guess you might lose your 'cool' any moment." Mark said teasingly. The tension between the two was so thick I could almost taste it.

"You bastar-"

"Stop. Please. Norawit take me back to the mansion." Norawit stared at me.

"Now." He just grabbed my hand and pulled me out of there.

"First, you don't get to fucking order me around." Norawit said once we were in the car.

I turned to look at him. What does he even mean?

"Second, why were you with that bastard?"

I didn't answer him. I was too worn out from the past hours.

"I asked you something!" He yelled.

"Where the fuck were you!?" I yelled back.


"You said you would keep an eye on me! You said you would ensure my security! But where were you when I actually needed you!"

Norawit just stared at my face and didn't say anything. I felt the car stop and realized we were already at the mansion. I got out of the car and ran inside.

I locked my door and broke down inside.

"Why does these always happen to me!" I mumbled between my sobs.

I kept crying infront of my door and didn't realize when I passed out.


My man (⁠〒⁠﹏⁠〒⁠) I just wanna give him a hug. BUT THE DRAMA IS BURNING☝️



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