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"Good morning Fourth! It's me Phuwin!" The voice called from behind the door. This man really shows up every morning right on time!?

"Come in.."

"Ohho! Why are you still in bed? Is your fever still there? Are you feeling better?" He asked while walking towards me.

"I was feeling fine before you started asking 10 questions at once!" I said scratching my head.

Phuwin laughed. A real laugh. I've never heard him laugh so clearly like that. He came over to me and ruffled my hair. I smiled at him.

"Looks like you're all fine. I'll keep your breakfast here. Eat it before it gets cold and get ready afterwards. I'll also be assisting you to your house today."

"Really?" This made me happy. I've grown pretty close to him over the days and he was a really nice person to have around.

"Yes. Now get ready. You can wear anything casual. Come down at 10AM."

"Yessir!" I said saluting. He just laughed and went out.

I wore a casual baggy jeans with a sweatshirt. I didn't really like clothes that reveal any part of my body. I just like to feel comfortable in my own zone. That was also the reason why I didn't like that events outfit. You could kinda see my chest. Although I will say, I looked hot in it. Can't deny the truth!

I got ready and headed downstairs. I saw Norawit and Phuwin waiting for me.

"You're late." Norawit said standing up.

"It's 10:03- I'm just three minutes late."

"Still late. Now let's go."

It took us almost 1 hour to reach my house. It wasn't something really big or luxurious. It was a small house with a small backyard. I loved it. This was the only thing I had left of my parents. They died in an accident around 10 years ago. That was when I also met Mark.

We walked inside the house and looked around. It was still in the mess I left it in- well, before Norawit's men picked me up from the middle of the street.

"Where is it?" Norawit spoke up.

"I think it's in my room. You can stand here, or maybe sit down on the couch." I said before walking into my room. Rays of sunlight were entering the room through the white curtains and my bed was still unmade. I quickly walked over to the desk and opened up a drawer.

"Nothing." I closed it and opened another one, rummaging through it.

"Still nothing." I closed it and walked over to my bed side table's drawer.

"Nothi- there we go!" I finally found the box the chip was in.

"Fourth? Did you find it?" I heard Phuwin behind me.

"Yes I did!" I turned to show him the box but realized he was standing close, too close to me.

"W-what are you doing?" I asked trying to back away.

"What do you mean.." he said while stepping towards me until my back hit the wall.


I was waiting in the living room and saw Phuwin go after Fourth. The house was very cozy and nice. It has a homey vibe to it, if you know what I mean. Off-white with a hint of grey made the house so eye-pleasing. I didn't think I'd ever get to come here though.

Honestly that day of the event, when Fourth walked out of the car, I don't know why but I felt an unknown feeling in my heart. I wanted to run after him and hold him and tell him I'm sorry. I've never felt like this. I never usually apologize to people. But I wanted to say sorry to him. I wanted to say sorry for raising my voice at him and accusing him when it was my fault. I promised him I'd keep an eye on him but I broke it. I thought about going to Fourth's room. But when I did, I saw a shadow in the light coming through under the door. Then I heard sobs.. from behind the door. I knew it was Fourth and my heart dropped.

I couldn't bring myself to knock on the door so I.. just walked away. I couldn't sleep properly that night. Infact I didn't even sleep at all. When Fourth was in that shirtless suit I arranged for him, I couldn't help but stare. It was almost as in I couldn't take my eyes off of him. But I also couldn't help but notice he had some red marks- scars to be specific -on his arms. I didn't know where he got those from because even though my men beat him up, I had threatened them that if they leave any scars, I'd deal with them. So they just landed a few punches on his face.

I was getting lost in my thoughts when suddenly I heard a voice.

"Yes I did!" Fourth's voice. I got up and went to Fourth's room. But when I entered the room.. I froze. Fourth was against the wall while Phuwin was technically over him. He was standing close- too close to Fourth. None of them noticed me.

"What.. is happening here?" I spoke. They turned to look at me.

"N-Norawit!-" Fourth stuttered while Phuwin seemed unbothered. He just took a step back casually.

"What are you two doing?" I felt a sudden rush of rage through me. What is going on with me?

"Nothing! I was- was just showing Phuwin the- the...thing! The thing-"

"Speak. Properly." I demanded in a cold voice.

Fourth just stared at me with a panic expression. "I found the chip.. it's inside this box."

"Great. Let's go home then. There's no point in spending another second in this shithole." Words just spat out from my mouth and I said that without even realizing myself.

I saw a pained look brush over Fourth's face. He just looked down. I looked at Phuwin who was glaring at me. But I completely ignored it.

I walked up to my car and got in it. A few moments later, Fourth got in and sat beside me. While Phuwin got in the driver's seat. We were all quiet and there was a eerie energy in the car. I stole a glance at Fourth who was leaning and looking out the window. But his eyes were.. teary. I felt a pressure in my heart. He wasn't crying. But why was his eyes teary? And I certainly didn't do anything wrong. If I didn't walk in that moment, he.. he and Phuwin could've kissed or whatever. Why is this bothering me so much? I was starting to question myself.

Did I... Did I grow feelings for him?


Who is gonna tell him though😓 he needs to use his brain for this once✋



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