(Age: Two) Mama!

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Tomo didn't really talk much. You had been trying hard to teach him simple words but he was as obstinate as ever, and would only ever repeat them or even show that he understood what the words meant when it would suit him.
Online it said that it was relatively normal for two year olds to still not be too chatty, only really being able to put two words together to form a 'sentence', but there was such a knowing vibe to everything Tomo did that you couldn't help but feel like he could probably talk more if he wanted to.

A lot of the time his words would be used as demands, though.
Like right now.


You roll your head back in exasperation. You'd been in the bathroom for approximately two minutes before he'd started calling for you, putting on a distressed tone.

"Tomo, give me five seconds." You call back, washing your hands as quickly as you can under the hot water.

"Mama!" He calls again, sounding more angry than upset this time.

You mutter irritably under your breath as you dry your hands and swing open the door. Tomo hadn't given you a break all day, being uncharacteristically clingy and needy all day. He was also back to refusing to eat, but you refused to call Tomura back to deal with it because he would simply tell you to 'be calm with him'.
Tomo makes a beeline for you on clumsy toddler feet, making your skin crawl with the fear he might trip.

"Woah, slow down there Yamagata." You say, crouching in preparation to catch him in your arms.
He slams into you, giving a single dry sob, his little fists bunched up in your shirt.
"Mama, dada?" He asks, looking up at you with watery pink eyes.
"He's at work, baby." You tell him for the third time today. "Can you tell mama what's wrong?"
You point at yourself even though he knows what 'mama' means. His face crumples immediately and you try to internalise the sigh that wants to leave you.

"Come on Tomo." You sigh, pulling him into a cuddle, which he doesn't fight for once. "Tell mama what's wrong."
You rub his back as he cries a little, rubbing his nose on your shirt, which sadly isn't even the grossest thing he'd done while growing up.
"Are you hungry?" You emphasise, prodding his tummy gently. "Want a nana or some yoghurt?"
He shakes his head adamantly, smearing even more tears and snot on your shirt.
"Missing dada?" You ask, expecting the answer to be 'yes', but he shakes his head again.

"Ouch." He says.
"Ouch?" You ask, gently peeling him from you and giving him a once over.
If it was just a small cut or something physical, you'd be able to heal it without a problem. You'd healed grazed knees without complaint before, a paper cut from his colouring books would be nothing compared to the injuries you'd suffered for his father before.
"Where's the ouch, Tomo?" You ask. "Your belly?"
He shakes his head again and points at his mouth.

Your heart sinks with the fear that Tomuras concern of passing on his skin condition had finally been vindicated, that maybe it was starting to manifest.
"Your lips?" You ask, gently rubbing a thumb over his lips to try and feel for that familiar cracked texture.
"No! Mama!" Tomo shies away from the touch. "Ouch."
And then he opens his mouth and points.
You frown. "Sore throat?"
You slowly press your fingers either side of his throat to see if his glands are swollen, checking to see if he might be sick.

He tries swatting at your hands, and you say his name in a warning tone, which you don't do too often, even when he's being a total asshole. He seems to respect this, and immediately freezes in place, even though his face tells you how displeased he is.
You can't feel any swelling, so you look at him, puzzled.
"Tell mama." You say, more firmly than usual.
He looks frustrated, and just points at his opened mouth again.
You sigh through your nose and relent. "Okay, Tomo. Say 'ah'!"

Tomo opens his mouth a little wider and 'ah's loudly.
"Good boy!" You praise, looking into his mouth without getting too close that he'll be difficult.
You can't see any problem teeth, but you do spy the beginnings of molars coming through right at the back.
"Oh, Tomo..." You say sadly. You hated the teething stage, he was grumpy and also it broke your heart seeing him in pain. "Teeth ouch?"
Tomo simply repeats 'ouch' sadly.
"Are you going to be a good boy if I give you medicine?" You ask, raising an eyebrow.
"Dada..." Tomo mopes.
"You want dada to give you your medicine?"
"Hug." Tomo says, reaching for you again.

And just like that, your heart melts.
He has never used that word before, and clearly knew what it meant with the action that went with it.
You open your arms for him again, letting him thump into you before hauling him up, your body cracking and complaining with each movement.
"You can always have a hug, Tomo." You tell him as you walk into the living space of your apartment.
You press a kiss to the side of his head. "Mama loves you, Tomo."
Theres a short silence before he repeats 'luh you' clumsily.

You freeze in place, looking at him in shock.
"What did you say?" You ask, stunned. "Love you?"
"Luh you." Tomo repeats, a little more shyly. "Mama."
Your eyes fill with tears and you can't stop yourself from kissing all over his soft cheek gently in response.
He hadn't even said that to Tomura yet.
He doesn't like the extra kisses, his little hand swatting at you, which you ignore.
"Do you love dada?" You ask curiously as you sit down on the couch, still holding him.
"Dada." He repeats.
"Yes, dada. Do you love him, Tomo?" You ask.

"Ouch." Tomo says, refusing to answer the question that you know he understands.
"Dada will be home soon, to give you medicine for your teeth." You reassure him. "Until then, mama will hug you."
"Mama hug." Tomo agrees, thumping his head against your shoulder as he goes limp against you.
It's a little painful, but you don't mind it. It's not too often that you get to cuddle Tomo without him complaining, wiggling or lashing out.
So you soak up the rare show of affection from your touch-avoidant son while you can, finding yourself so relaxed while holding him  that you begin to doze off while waiting for Tomura to come back.

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