(Age: Two) Biting

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"Tomo will you just..." You sigh, trying to pull the shirt over his head while he deliberately makes it hard for you.
"Geddoff!" He grunts, waving his arms around in protest.
"You can't walk around shirtless, Tomo. Just put the damn thing on." You say exasperatedly.
"No! No!" Tomo yells, and for a second you debate leaving this for Tomura to deal with when he gets out of the shower.
Tomo rarely argued with his dad, after all.
But instead you double down, grabbing Tomo's chunky arm and pulling it through the hole in his shirt as firmly as you can without actually hurting him.

When you go to do the second arm, you're surprised when a sharp pain jolts up your arm and you instinctively yank back.
Tomo doesn't let go though, clamping his teeth down harder.
"Tomo! Stop it!" You say, trying desperately to keep as calm as you can. "Tomo. Let. Go."
But he doesn't, his pink eyes narrowing as he looks at you.
You end up having to try to dig your fingers between his teeth to try and get him off of you, your teeth gritted. It's unsuccessful, but luckily Tomura appears, his wet hair tied into a bun at the back of his head.

He assesses the situation quietly for a moment  before striding quickly across the room and pulling Tomo into the air in a fast, swift motion that immediately has the toddler letting go of you in his surprise.
You immediately hold your arm, healing the inevitable bruise before it can form properly.
"What are you doing." Tomura asks but states at the same time, straining to keep his own voice even.
"Mama hurt first!" Tomo accuses.
You frown and immediately open your mouth to defend yourself, but Tomura places him on the floor, crouching and looking him dead in his little eyes.

"If you bite your mom again, I'll bite you." He says simply.
"Tomura." You warn, bristling.
"No!" Tomo cries, trying to wiggle out of Tomura's hold of his arms.
"Yes." Tomura says, refusing to let go like Tomo had moments before. "I never want to catch you doing that again."
Tomo begins to bawl, which would usually work on you, but Tomura remains unshaken.
"Do you understand?" He asks.
"Mhm!" Tomo nods, reaching for Tomura, who shakes his head.
"Say sorry to your mom." He says, standing up and pointing at you to make it clear he's not going to reward Tomo's behaviour with a hug.

Tomo turns around, all snot and tears, his hands reaching for you instead.
"Mama, sorry!" He exclaims, seeking refuge from his dad by slamming his body into yours, one arm still hanging out of his shirt.
And how could you be firm with him when he's so upset? You can't help but hug him back, always treasuring the moments he wants a cuddle.
"Please don't do that again Tomo." You say gently, rubbing his little back. "That hurt mama."
"Sorry." He sniffles, poorly pronouncing it as though it will make him seem cuter.
And he's right, it does.

"Come on, Tomo, let mama put on your shirt properly now." You say, peeling him from you slowly.
He lets you dress him without complaint after that, sniffling and glancing at Tomura from time to time.


"Tomo, you can't have that!" You say tiredly, taking the silica gel packet out of his hand from where Nezumi had given him a pack of mochi.
Tomo scowls at you, but Dabi is quick to haul Tomo up into the sky before Tomo can begin to have a tantrum.
"Nyoom!" Dabi exclaims as he swishes a giggling Tomo in the air a little more carelessly than you care for.
"You'll make him puke." You warn.

"S'fine, exposure therapy with how much Nez is puking these days."  Dabi grins, continuing to throw Tomo around.
"You're cleaning it up if he does." You say, raising an eyebrow.
He pauses for a second, his nose scrunching.
"Eh." He shrugs, placing Tomo's feet on the floor.
He pushes Tomo forward playfully. "Go find aunty Nez."
"Nesh!" Tomo calls, stomping out of the room.
Dabi watches him, grinning.
When he's out of the room, Dabi looks over at you sitting on their couch.

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