Hogwarts a new life

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A significant amount of time had passed, and much had changed within the Ministry of Magic. One particular day, a girl received her long-awaited Hogwarts acceptance letter. With brown hair, brown eyes, rosy cheeks, and fair skin, her eyes widened with excitement as her mother handed her the letter. Her siblings shared in her joy, celebrating her acceptance into Hogwarts, much like their mother and they had done. Her younger siblings hugged her tightly with excitement, while her mother beamed with happiness. It was revealed that her mother had been in Hufflepuff during her own Hogwarts years, while both her older siblings belonged to Slytherin. Additionally, her father held a position at the Ministry of Magic.

Despite her happiness, however, the girl couldn't shake a hint of apprehension. She pondered over the possibility of being sorted into Hufflepuff like her mother or Slytherin like her siblings, who were four and one year older than her, respectively. Twelve different scenarios played out in her mind as the day of departure drew nearer. Excitement mingled with nervousness as she anticipated her journey to Hogwarts.

Finally, the day arrived, and nerves gripped her tightly. Her older sister offered reassurance, holding her hand and promising that everything would be alright. Despite her sister's comforting words, her brother distanced himself as soon as they reached the train, leaving her on the verge of tears. Seeking solace, she found an empty compartment on the train and settled in. However, her solitude was short-lived as a girl entered.

"Hi, I'm Vera Anderson. It's nice to meet you," the girl introduced herself.

"I'm Amber. It's nice to meet you too, Vera. You're a first-year like me, right?" Amber responded, grateful for the company.

"Yeah, I am. I'm excited for our first year at Hogwarts, but I'm glad I'm not the only new student," Vera replied warmly.

Their conversation was soon interrupted by the arrival of five boys, who rudely demanded that they vacate the compartment or face consequences. Unwilling to yield, Amber stood her ground.

"Why should we move? We were here first. I suggest you refrain from forcing us to relocate," she asserted firmly.

Tensions escalated when one of the boys, with blonde hair and brown eyes, attempted to negotiate a deal with them.

"Well, I'll make a deal with you. If you switch spots with us, you won't be bothered for the rest of the year, understand?" the boy named Jason proposed.

Amber refused the offer, stating resolutely, "No, we will not move, and you cannot compel us."

Jason issued a warning, but Amber remained undeterred.

As they boarded the boats to Hogwarts, Amber, and Jason maintained a tense stare-down, their eyes locked in silent confrontation. Upon reaching the castle, Amber spotted her older sister and brother in the dining hall, finding solace in their familiar presence amidst the uncertainties of the upcoming school year.

During the Sorting Ceremony, Amber's name was called, and she approached the Sorting Hat with a mix of excitement and apprehension. After considering her qualities, the Hat declared her fit for Ravenclaw, much to her delight. She happily took her place at the Ravenclaw table, feeling a sense of belonging.

Subsequently, Jason was sorted into Slytherin, and Vera into Hufflepuff. With the Sorting Ceremony complete, Amber felt a rush of happiness and relief as she began her journey at Hogwarts, eager to embrace the opportunities As all of the students were sorted into their houses, the headmaster approached to address the gathering.

"Hello, everyone, and welcome to Hogwarts! To our first years, I extend a warm welcome to your inaugural year at this esteemed institution. I trust that each of you will find joy and fulfillment during your time here. Remember to always do your best in all endeavors. Welcome to Hogwarts!" Neville's words rang out across the Great Hall, setting a tone of camaraderie and encouragement.

Once the Sorting Ceremony concluded and dinner was served, the older students took on the responsibility of guiding the newcomers to their respective dormitories. With kindness and patience, they led the first-years through the castle's corridors, ensuring they found their way to their new homes within Hogwarts

As the Ravenclaw students made their way to their dormitory, they passed by the Slytherin students. Among them, Amber spotted her older sister and brother.

"Hey, Ava," Amber called out.

"Hi, Amber. Good job," Ava replied with a smile, acknowledging her sister's successful sorting her bother did not even look at her but she knew he was happy for her

Jason looked at her with a face of desks she was mad at him but she kept an open mind about things and how her first day would go here 

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