Music for A Sushi Restaurant

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Harry trapped his bottom lip between his teeth while he thought of how he would respond to the suggestion of staying. Typically, he wasn't one to stick around the morning after. While he assumed nothing extreme happened between them, he also couldn't remember the last time he's held someone all night long- and maybe that was already too much for him to handle. He was afraid to get too close to anyone because the chance of hurting them was too high. Harry was distant by nature; quick to shut people out. But something in him was telling him to sit back down. At least for the meal. "Yeah, sure," he sighed quietly, before making his way back over, this time sitting across from him on a chair. He picked up a slice of bacon with his fingers, taking a few bites before talking with his mouth full. "We didn't- we didn't ehm..." his eyes searched around the room hoping Louis would realize what he was getting at and he didn't have to specify. "Right?"  Though he was sure that even if he was black out drunk, he'd definitely remember hooking up with the fellow. Once Louis answered, he sighed a little sigh of relief. He wanted to ask how he even ended up in his flat, but he chalked it up to him being too drunk to make it home himself and left it at that. Harry ate not even half the plate, wanting to leave most of it for Louis. He swiped his mouth on the back of his hand before standing and clearing his throat. "I'd still like to see you at practice," he flashed a small uncertain smile and a casual wave at the boy before popping a cigarette between his lips and heading out the door, lighting it up. He figured he'd walk to the nearest bus stop and make his way home from there.

Louis smiled softly as Harry agreed to join him, even if the man didn't seem too enthusiastic. A win was a win and Louis really needed to spend some more time with Harry while sober. He didn't mention Harry choosing to sit across from him instead of beside him, taking a bite of his eggs with a soft hum. "These are good." He murmured to Harry, glancing up at Harry when he spoke and raising an eyebrow curiously at the question. "No, no, nothing like that. Just slept." He reassured, easing Harry's worries. They didn't talk much for the rest of breakfast, which was so much for Louis' idea of getting to know Harry better, but it worked for them. He looked up at Harry when he stood, giving him a small smile and nodding along. "Yeah, 'course. I'll stop by sometime." He promised, a step up from his usual dodging of the question. He still wasn't convinced fighting was him, especially not after his little incident with Harry the previous night, but he'd give it another shot if it made the man happy. He let Harry go afterwards, taking a quick shower and getting ready for his practice that morning. All the night's drinking was definitely a bad idea, but he was sure all the girls in the studio were feeling the same and they'd call it an easy day. He grabbed his car keys before he was out the door, getting in his car and starting it up. He could see Harry standing at the bus stop, sighing softly before he drove over and pulled up in front of the man. He put the window down, leaning over to see Harry better. "C'mon, get in. Not gonna make you stand there and wait on the bus." He told him, shaking his head with a soft smile. "Could've just asked for a ride back there, you know." He pointed, tapping his fingers against the steering wheel as he waited for Harry to climb in.

Harry made it to the bus stop, anxiously checking the time as he waited and waited. A while passed, and he spotted Louis pulling up beside him. He rolled his eyes at the offer, crossing his arms, but there was a smile peeking out at the corner of his lips. He glanced at the time once more, before nodding in agreement. He had to be at the studio to open soon. Harry slid into the passenger seat, politely flicking his cigarette out of the window; Louis' car smelled much fresher than his own and he didn't want to taint it with the same scent. He spent the first few minutes of the car ride awkwardly tapping his knees with his fingers as they sat in silence. "Hope I wasn't insufferable last night. Or at least, yanno, less than usual," he chuckled, stealing a glance at the man. He felt his stomach jump, noting how pretty he looked as the morning sunrise peaked through the windshield onto his face. He cursed at himself internally, knowing he couldn't possibly fall for this boy. They were just too different. It simply wouldn't work, he decided. He picked a random radio station, turning it up slightly and nodded subtly along with the music. Soon enough, they were pulling up to their shared street of businesses. Harry looked over at him one last time, and in a panic of not knowing how this goodbye should go, he punched the lad's shoulder a bit too hard and flashed a big grin. "Thanks for the ride, mate," he scooped his hair up into a bun, and left the car only to be immediately greeted by confused stares of his students waited outside of the building. "Bloody christ what are you all staring at?" He rolled his eyes, stepping up the three old steps to the door and unlocking the building finally, everyone following behind him to start their day.

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