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Once upon a time, there was a little female squirrel by the name of Sunny Swatson who lived in a woodsy neighborhood called Woodland Heights that was somewhat close to SillyVille. Sunny wasn't just any female child squirrel, she was a child squirrel with very special telekinetic powers. But every time Sunny made a friend, they would just leave and bully her because she had a very difficult time controlling her powers.

One time, Sunny made a friend with child rabbit named Mason and they played tag together. Just then, as Mason ran faster away from Sunny, he looked back at her and teased in a singsong voice " You can't catch me! You can't catch me! Na Na Na Na Na!" After Mason started laughing, Sunny smirked and began to pick up the speed to catch up to the male rabbit. But as soon as she sped towards Mason, she nearly grabbed him when suddenly out of nowhere, she accidentally used her telekinetic powers to push Mason towards the bushes which caused him to crash into them. Sunny covered her mouth in fear of what she did before she ran over to the bushes to see if her friend was alright. As soon as Sunny approached the bushes, Mason came out of them before Sunny held her hand out to him as a way of helping him before he took her hand and stood up. Mason took out some twigs off of his pants and he asked " What was that?" The rabbit commented " It felt like a strong gust of wind just pushed me into the bushes." Sunny rubber her arm very nervously before she explained " Well, I have these strange supernatural powers that I can't control very well and..." She got cut off by Mason freaking out and yelling " WHAT?!! You have creepy powers?!! Oh man, I don't want to be friends with you anymore! Get away from me!!" Sunny looked at him with worry as she tried to apologize " No! Mason, wait! I..." It was too late as Mason ran away as fast as he could, leaving poor Sunny to watch him dash off with a sad expression on her face. Sunny developed tears in her eyes as she muttered under her breath " I'm sorry, Mason. I never meant to hurt you." After that, the sad little girl walked back to her house crying.

When she went inside her house, her mom looked over and noticed tears in her daughter's eyes. The woman squirrel walked over to Sunny and she asked " Sunny, what happened? Did something bad happen between you & Mason?" The little girl nodded her head yes and explained in between sobs " Mason and I were playing tag, but then my powers started to act up and pushed Mason into the bushes!! I told him that I had powers I didn't know how to control and he...he..." Sunny didn't have the energy to finish her explanation as she began to sob and weep uncontrollably before she hugged her mom very tightly. The adult female squirrel hugged her daughter back and she whispered " Shhh, it's okay, sweetie. Mommy's got you. Everything's gonna be okay. I promise." The two squirrels let go and Sunny's mom suggested " Tell you what. How about I make your favorite food to eat for lunch? A cheese sandwich?" Sunny grabbed a tissue to wipe the tears from her eyes before she smiled and nodded her head yes.

Sunny was soon finished with her sandwich before she went to her room to relax herself. She did have a rough day after losing a friend because he was freaked out by her telekinetic powers to continue being friends with her.

( 12 Days later...)
Sunny was walking through the woods and she noticed a group of animals pointing and laughing at her. She felt very comfortable having to see them make fun of her. Sunny heard the bunny whisper " What's up with that girl?" A deer from the group whispered back " She's a freak. That's what."

" Yeah. The girl has those freakish powers. I mean, who would want to friends with an ugly loser that doesn't even know how to control her powers the right way?" A beaver whispered before he started to laugh. The other animals started to laugh with him.

Sunny had tears in her eyes when the group continued to make fun of the poor squirrel. She covered her ears as she tried to block the sounds of the group animals calling her names and that was when she had enough.

" SHUT UP!!" Sunny screamed as her eyes started glowing before she lifted up her arms and a huge wave of water started to rise up. The group of animals stopped laughing as they noticed the water from the river rising. They watched in fear as Sunny used her powers to push the wave of water towards the animals and it pushed the group away from her. The animals started to cry for help as they couldn't breathe due to drowning in the water.

Sunny snapped back in reality as she heard her sister Becky shout out " SUNNY!! STOP!!!" The female squirrel looked around in horror as she noticed half of the forest looked like a tornado hit the trees & bushes. She looked over at the group of animals  in horror as they looked traumatized and they were coughing & gasping air  because they nearly drowned.

As Sunny landed back on the ground, her brother Max asked " Whoa, sis, what did you do?" The female squirrel didn't have anything to say and with that, she ran back to her house crying.

For the past five months, no matter how many times Sunny has gone out into the forest for a walk or tried to make new friends, every single animal laughed & pointed at the poor kid due to having problems with her telekinesis. A couple of rabbits began to throw carrots at Sunny in the head along with raccoons throwing apples towards Sunny's face. All the animals started calling her names like "Loser!" "Freak!" "Monster!". One of the beavers even yelled out " We don't want you around this forest anymore! Why don't you do us all a favor and get out of our lives!" Sunny began to feel like she had enough and actually decided to run away from home.

(That Evening...)
Sunny was in her room sitting on her bed as she was writing a note for her family to read on her nightstand. After that, she began packing all of her stuff ready to go before heading out of her room and closing the door behind her.

Sunny tiptoed very quietly down the stairs before she reached the door and went outside. The little squirrel looked back at the house with tears in her eyes before she turned around and walked away.

(The Next Day...)
At Sunny's house, the squirrels were eating their breakfast as Sunny's mother noticed that her daughter Sunny hasn't been at the table lately. She looked at her husband and asked " Um, honey? Did you hear Sunny get up?"

" No, I haven't heard from her." Sunny's dad responded to his wife. The adult female squirrel went upstairs to daughter's bedroom door and knocked on it.

" Sunny! Breakfast is ready!" The mother squirrel called out to daughter. There was no answer so she knocked on the door again and asked " Sunny, do you hear me?" There was still no answer. The squirrel lady was confused at this bizarre silence, so she opened the door but when she did, her heart dropped as she saw that Sunny wasn't in the room. Sunny's mom noticed a small note laying on her daughter's bed before she picked it up and started to read it. The note said " Dear mom and dad, I decided to run away from home because I can't stand all the other animals making fun of me for my powers. I feel like I've caused enough damage to you guys and to everybody in this neighborhood. I decided that I'm gonna live in SillyVille to get away from this nightmare. Love you guys, From Sunny." After reading the note, Sunny's mother began to have tears in her eyes as she cried out " Oh no! No! NOO! MY BABY!"

The other squirrels hurriedly rushed upstairs to Sunny's room before Sunny's father asked his wife " Carolynn, what's the matter?"

" It's... It's Sunny. She's gone!" Sunny's mom now known as Carolynn sobbed. The family looked at her with shock & worry as Sunny's dad named Gary screamed " GONE?!!"

The male squirrel read the note and he responded " Oh no! Our daughter must've ran away from home last night!" All of Sunny's siblings started to cry and weep because of their sister running away from home. In fact, the whole house was filled with sadness at the moment since Sunny ran away from home.

Remake of Sunny the Squirrel Meets the Butcher Gang! (BATIM+BATDR Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now