Chapter 2: Living in a New Home!

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Sunny & the three men entered the house and the little squirrel looked around the place with more amazement. The house was a lot bigger on the inside than on the outside.

" Hey Edgar, would you like to show the kid a tour of the house?" Charley suggested for the spider. Edgar nodded before he took Sunny by the hand and showed her the entire house from top to bottom especially the guest bedroom in the basement that Sunny will be sleeping in.

As soon as he was done showing Sunny the house, the spider & squirrel got to Edgar's bedroom and he introduced it " And lastly, this is MY bedroom. I'm not gonna lie when I say it's not the best looking but I always try my best to make sure it stays nice and neat."

" It's okay. Your room looks really comfortable to me." Sunny complimented which made Edgar smile in awe and he said " Aw, thanks, Sunny. That's really nice of you!"

" No problem, Mr. Striker." Sunny responded with a smile. Edgar clapped his hands once before he suggested " Welp, that's just about enough of the tour, so how about we head downstairs and I'll make you something to eat for lunch. Does that sound good?"

" Yes! Thank you so much!" Sunny thanked him with so much happiness & praise since she hasn't eaten all day but also tried not to get overexcited because of her powers.

" Do you like cheese sandwiches?" Edgar asked the child and she nodded her head yes.

" Alright, let's go!" Edgar chirped excitedly.

So the two of them walked out of the room and headed downstairs to the kitchen. When they entered the kitchen, Sunny sat down at the kitchen table while Edgar went to grab some bread from the cabinets and then he grabbed the cheese from the fridge. Edgar got out a plate and put one piece of bread on the plate, put the cheese on the bread and then put another piece of bread on top of the cheese.

Edgar put the sandwich in the microwave to heat it up. After the microwave was finished, the spider gave the plate to Sunny and she began to eating the sandwich.

While she was eating, Edgar went to the living room to see Charley & Barley sitting on the couch watching TV.  They both noticed the spider and Charley quietly asked " Edgar, why would you make us bring this child into our house? You know I don't feel comfortable having to take care of a child since I don't like kids."

" Come on, Charley. I told you she needed someone to help her. Besides, her name is Sunny Swatson and she told me that the reason she ran away from Woodland Heights is because she was bullied and no one liked her." Edgar reminded his leader in a whisper.

Charley & Barley were shocked to hear that and Barley said " Blimey! That sure don't sound good, lad."

" Why would they bully her?" Charley quietly asked the spider to which Edgar shrugged his shoulders and responded in a whisper " I don't know. She's too upset to talk about what happened." Charley & Barley had no words to say about this other than feel even more sorry for the poor squirrel.

Feeling bad for the kid, Charley grew concerned and asked " But what about her parents? Shouldn't they be worried about their daughter as well? Did they even try to help her?" Edgar shrugged his shoulders and didn't have anything to say about Charley's question.

" Look, as much as I feel bad for what she went through, I don't think I'd feel comfortable having someone else's child living in our home." Charley hesitated as Edgar looked disappointed and said " Oh come on, Charley. Sunny ran away from home because of the mistreatment she went through."

" Edgar has a point, captain. I mean, I remembers when ye ran away from yer home because yer parents treated ye like garbage when ye were a kid." Barley softly reminded Charley who looked down at the floor as he knew that the old man had a point. The chimp noticed Edgar giving him a pleading look on his face and the spider begged " Please?" Charley sighed and responded " Okay, Edgar. She can stay with us." Edgar smiled with glee and joy at Charley's response.

Sunny had already finished her sandwich, so she walked to where the Butcher Gang was before Charley stood up, walked over to the child and said " All right kid, you're welcome to live with us if you want to." Sunny smiled at this but Charley firmly finished his sentence with " BUT, there's gonna be rules in this house that you need to follow. Understand?"

Sunny felt very anxious with the way Charley spoke to her but nodded her head in agreement as she didn't want to get herself into any trouble. She paid close attention as Charley sternly reminded her " 1. Don't open the door to strangers and if there's someone you don't know at the door while I'm at work, you let Barley or Edgar know." 2. Do not enter any of our bedrooms without permission. 3. Don't eat any of the food in the fridge without permission. 4. Never leave the house without any one of us to look after you. Do you understand what I said?"

" Yes sir." Sunny responded while nodding her head in agreement.

" Also,  another thing is my name is Charley Piper, but you need to call me Mr. Piper." Charley reminded her before Sunny responded " Yes, Mr. Piper."

" Good." Charley said before he sternly told her " Now get out of my way, I gotta get something to eat before I come back."  Sunny moved out of his way so that he can go to the kitchen. After he left, Barley & Edgar noticed the anxious look Sunny had on her face and they knew that it was about Charley. Edgar walked up to the anxious squirrel and told her " It's okay, kid. Charley's very nice, he's just... very crabby when it comes to children."

" Oh." Was all Sunny can respond before she reminded them " But I'm a very good kid. I always try my best to be nice to everyone."

" Well, to be fair, we don't knows ya, kid. Ya be a stranger and not all strangers be trustworthy." Barley reminded the kid.

Sunny couldn't argue on that one so she nodded in agreement. She then looked up at Barley and asked him " Um, your first name is Barley, right?" The sailor nodded his head yes before he said " That's right. But ye must address me as Mr. Fisher. Remember that."

" Aye, Aye, Mr. Fisher!" Sunny saluted before she asked him " Do you mind if I watch TV with you guys?" Barley nodded his head yes and responded " Sure, lassie." Sunny went on the couch to sit next to Barley and Edgar joined in to watch TV with them. Charley came back with a bowl of popcorn before he joined the others.

(Later that evening...)
Sunny and the three Butcher Gang members were eating dinner together on the table in the kitchen. Sunny was eating sweet potato because it was her favorite food to eat for dinner. As soon as she was done eating her food, Edgar noticed it and asked " Wow, you really liked the sweet potato I made for you?"

" Yeah, just the way my mom used to make it. Thanks for making this, Mr. Striker." Sunny complimented Edgar's cooking.

" Aww, you're such a sweet child." Edgar responded in awe as he blushed at the child's compliment on the sweet potato. He then rolled his eyes at Charley and annoyingly commented " If only a certain someone can appreciate my cooking more often."

" Hey, you always buy the same cheap food every single day for dinner and it gets really annoying! That's why I spend my money to order food online!" Charley snapped.

" Well, pardon me if I don't want to spend any money on food that's very expensive!" Edgar snapped back. All this fighting made Sunny feel very uncomfortable where she decided to get up from her chair, put her bowl in the sink, rushed over to where the basement was and went downstairs to the guest bedroom and laid on her bed peacefully.

Sidenote: Well that's all for this chapter. I'm sorry if this chapter is too long but I was trying my best to put a lot of effort to make this chapter make sense.

Remake of Sunny the Squirrel Meets the Butcher Gang! (BATIM+BATDR Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now