Chapter 23

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"Tyrus, it's your turn to keep watch," Alden nudged my shoulder, waking me from my slumber.

We had been taking turns keeping an eye on the king to ensure he did not escape.The sun was rising just over the horizon, slowly turning the sky from its obsidian black colour to a myriad of red, orange and yellow. The faint light trickled into the old, cold and lifeless room through the arched windows, giving me some false sense of warmth. A type of warmth I felt when I was with Diona as I had my fingers slip through her silky red hair. How I missed her so much since I joined the army.

But now, I am days away from reuniting with her. Now, I could finally continue living my life with my wonderful wife, and without the dread that loomed over use for the past so many years. This truce would finally bring me some semblance of peace. It would also grant Diona an opportunity to pursue a different purpose, not the one laid out for her by her father.

"No matter how much time has passed, watching the sunrise will never get old."

Surprised to hear another voice, I turned my head towards the source of the sound only to see that the king was still awake. He was sitting across me, resting his erect back on the cobble-stone wall. In the chaos of last night, I did not take the time to study him as thoroughly as I would in a different situation. He wore a series of black silk garments embroidered with intricate gold patterns that was long enough to reach the halfway point of his calves. He was on the leaner side but the upper half of his garments seemed to puff out slightly, creating an air that he was much bigger than he was. The King Syzrel was a man with thick unruly ebony hair long enough to align with his waist, paired with a heavy beard and moustache around his thin lips. His face bore a series of rouge scars, most of which fell under his eyes that were heavily outlined by a black substance. His skin had an umber tone to it with a hint of red as if he had stayed out in the sun for too long.

There was something menacing with the way he looked and carried himself. Especially with the way he sat there calmly. Not to mention, the way he talked to me like the war had never happened and we were acquaintances just added to it. Although I had not had many interactions with him, I could sense that he was the cunning type. Someone I would have to keep my guard up with at all times. However, as much as it was concerning to have come to a truce with a man that looked like him, I at least I was free of having to overthink whether he was trustworthy or not. Besides, he would also have to be careful not to alert me of possibly going against our agreement or I may use it as an opportunity to take advantage of the resources he has at his disposal.

"Yes, it is quite breathtaking," I replied.

"So you plan to take me to your kingdom to negotiate the terms of our agreement?" Syzrel asked, still gazing towards the horizon.

"Not exactly," I said as I got up. "Once everyone wakes up, we will travel to the outskirts of the kingdom where I can send one of my comrades to inform the queen and you both can talk on mutual ground. I'd also suggest you do not try anything funny with us."

"I would never dream of such a thing, I-"

Before he could finish his sentence, the door creaked open. Swiftly, I grabbed my weapon, ready to strike if an enemy entered our midst. Checking behind the door, I did not see anyone. Assuming that the door opened because of the wind, I cautiously returned back to my spot. In an instant, a flash of teal blue energy entered my sights and before I could deflect it, it struck my lower abdomen, searing both my clothes and the flesh below. The burning sensation forced a groan to escape from my lips, thus waking the others who rushed to my aid once they saw my injury. To prevent more blood from oozing from the gash, he ripped the excess fabric from his clothes to cover the wound as he put pressure.

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