Chapter 2 (Again)

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(This is the second fucking repost of the story, Again. I already deleted the whole flagged image yet the chapter was still fucking flagged. THIS IS SO FUCKING ANNOYING! THE STORY IS MATURE AND EVERYTHING!)

"Good Morning, Kuoh!" A man wearing an iconic red and blue Spandex yelled as he swung through the town

"Good Morning, Kuoh!" A man wearing an iconic red and blue Spandex yelled as he swung through the town

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"It's him again"

"The wall crawler"

It's been a couple of days since Peter became Spiderman. First of all, He needed a suit so he grabbed a sewing machine and made his iconic red and blue outfit with a recognisable Spider Logo on his chest and back


A purse snatcher was running away after stealing a lady's purse but then Spiderman suddenly appeared from above while holding a web string.

Spider Man:"Mind holding this?" He asked before he stuck the string which sent the man tangling up as he also grabbed the purse

He quickly ran back into the owner and handed it to her

Spider Man:"Here you go, Ma'am" He returned the purse back

Lady:"Thank you" She said yet just before he could swing away, The lady stops him

Lady:"Wait! Who are you?" She asked

Spider Man:"Didn't you read the news? I'm your Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Man!" He said before swinging away

All's in a day's work. Through out the couple of days he's been Spider Man, He's been helping people with their problems whether if it's big or small

He quickly looks at his watch and swings away and arrives in his school as he immediately wore his school outfit before heading back into class

Rias:"So, It appears that our famous Spider has been Busy with the past few days" She said

Through out the past days, All's he's been doing is helping people. Whether it'd be Fighting criminals, Stop car crashes, And stopping assault to even helping a cat get down from a tree, Giving directions to lost people, And helping a person with their car. And they were able to watch one of his crime stopping actions as well

A thief was walking in an alleyway holding some jewels he stole. As he then heard a voice

Spider Man:"Hey there!"He was leaning against a wall with his hands tied under his chest

The man, Started obviously, Took out a weapon to fight back as he grabs his knife

Thief:"Stay back!"He yelled

Spider Man:"What is that? Is that a knife"

Thief:"Yeah it's a real knife"He said as Spidey then slowly got on the ground

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