~3~ The other world

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The individual in question was heard screaming, but unfortunately, no response was given. The whereabouts of the individual were

unknown, and he found himself asking, "Where am I?" As he continued to walk, he found himself completely alone with no one in sight.

However, as he approached his residence, he encountered his acquaintances, Jessica and Mark. James quickly identified them and made his

way towards them. Mark expressed his surprise, stating that he believed that only two individuals were present.

James proceeded to inquire about their location, to which Jessica responded that they may have found themselves trapped in an alternate

dimension or a similar scenario, as the area was devoid of any human presence.

This prompted her to express her unease and apprehension. The group hastily searched the area for other individuals but to no avail. Mark

inquired, "Do you reckon we'll be stranded here indefinitely?" James swiftly responded, "Such a thought is unfounded.

We must first develop a plan and locate any potential survivors." Jessica chimed in, visibly fatigued from their fruitless search, "We have

been scouring the area for an hour now. It would be prudent to locate a store for sustenance and provisions to safeguard against any

unforeseen circumstances."

Given the impending darkness, it seems prudent that we begin our search for suitable accommodations posthaste. As they were walking, the

group stumbled upon a shop. Upon entering, they noticed a stranger in their midst.

Three individuals quickly made their way towards the stranger, who appeared to be of similar age to James and his companions. The

stranger queried, "Do I know you?" To which Jessica promptly responded with a request for directions, stating that they were lost.

The stranger's reply was unexpected as she stated, "You're not lost, you just came from a deadly world game... I think. Are you new to this

world?" Mark, in particular, was perturbed and asked the stranger to elaborate on the use of the term "deadly."

Mark inquired of Jessica, "Do you require an explanation?" To which she responded in the affirmative, stating that she often experienced

being spied upon by an individual donning a black hoodie.

In response to her comment, the other individual remarked, "In that case, the person behind the hooded figure aims to bring us into this

world and is interested in learning more about you. They only seek out intelligent individuals to test their abilities." I supposed

In this world, individuals are required to compete in a minimum of 15 to 20 games, with the number of games determined by the

controlling authorities. Failure to succeed in any of these games results in elimination. Additionally, failure to participate in any of the

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