~7~ survive the disaster

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In the early morning, James, Jessica, and Mark woke up much earlier than usual, an ideal time to search for food. However,

they were bewildered by their surroundings, finding themselves in an unfamiliar and seemingly abandoned location. James,

looking perplexed, inquired of a few nearby people, who advised them to wait before the game began. This was perplexing

because the game typically started in the evening, around 6 PM or 7 PM.

James, seeking clarity, asked when the game would commence. A stranger confirmed it would start at 7:30 AM. Realizing

they had only 30 minutes before the game began, Jessica noted the time, while Mark spotted a convenience store nearby.

After a brief discussion about the situation, they deduced that the game might have teleported them to this location, a theory

that James found particularly confusing given the unusual timing.

Jessica, noticing James's pale appearance, asked if he was feeling alright, especially after the events of the previous day.

James reassured her that he was fine, but shortly after, he experienced tightness in his chest due to not having eaten. Seeing

his distress, Jessica and Mark quickly bought him some food to help him regain his strength. Although eating made him feel

slightly better, James realized he was still too sick to participate actively in the game.

Reflecting on his condition, James admitted to feeling increasingly disengaged from the game. It was designed for strategic

thinkers, which didn't suit his more introverted nature. As a child, he had avoided action-packed games and preferred the

comfort of his home, rarely engaging in physical activities like football or soccer. His introversion and his parents' concerns

for his safety further isolated him.

Following his parents' disappearance, James became slightly more active, living with his grandmother and occasionally

socializing with friends. These outings often involved meeting at a park for casual fun, which was a significant step for him.

However, the unexpected teleportation to this dimension threw him back into uncertainty.

Determined to remain strong despite his weaknesses, James recalled his experiences of being bullied as a child. As he

pondered his past, a voice announced the start of "very exciting games," heightening their anxiety. The shutdown of their

phones added to their confusion and fear, prompting Jessica to speculate that the game's intent might be more sinister than anticipated.

Their apprehensions were confirmed when a gunshot rang out, accompanied by distant screams. Realizing the danger, James

urged Jessica and Mark to run to another building. Jessica, despite her curiosity about the unfolding events, followed James's

lead. They hid in a store, narrowly avoiding a creepy figure that passed by. Relieved but still on edge, they decided to stay

hidden for a while. Suddenly, a loud banging on the door signaled potential danger, reinforcing their need for caution and

quick thinking in this perilous game.

James took a quick peek as the door began to splinter under the force of the assault. Seizing the moment, he scrambled to find

something sturdy to barricade it. However, before he could secure the door, it burst open and James was struck in the arm by

a bullet. Collapsing in pain, he noticed that the weapon resembled a machine gun rather than a typical firearm.

As the menacing figure prepared to fire again, a muscular man appeared behind it, attempting to distract it. The stranger

shouted for James, Jessica, and Mark to flee to the other side of the store. Overcome with guilt for leaving their rescuer

behind, James considered returning to help but was too injured to act. With Jessica and Mark's assistance, they hurried away.

Jessica, burdened with guilt, whispered, "I hope he survives." They desperately sought a hiding place, eventually finding

refuge in a larger, equally abandoned store. The air was filled with distant screams and gunshots, and they stifled their

breaths to remain silent.

James, suspicious of the figure's ability to track them, speculated that the figure's electrical mask might be aiding its pursuit.

He suggested they block the doors to prevent detection, though he knew this was just the beginning of their ordeal. The group

braced themselves, aware that their challenges were far from over. James felt very guilty about not helping as he didn't have

any energy left in him.
Thank you for the view, you guys. This part is not that much but I try to make it more meaningful yes I have been very busy lately and couldn't do much so tuned in for the next part I guess...! 👌👍👍Bye

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