Chapter 3:

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The bell sounded for Vigils and I slowly got up, tired from the previous evening's dreams and struggling with Adonis' constant squawking. I would probably get glared at by the members who slept in the surrounding cells. Adonis must be sleeping, I turned over to see the box neatly placed back on the bed but without the blanket. More notably, the box was placed on the bed without Adonis. I don't think he was in any condition to drag the blanket somewhere but now I was frantic, thinking that maybe something got him.

Then that dream hit me again, the vision of the half-obscured man and the warmth of his fingers against my skin. I found myself as a blushing mess, bowing my head and praying for some sense of composure before Vigils. Paul came into the room, knocking gently before urging me to get up and follow him. He didn't even ask about Adonis, about where the crow that he had so deeply cared for had gone to or, even, how he had slept. I got up and followed after Paul, my head already pounding as questions flooded it at every single angle and into every single crevice.

We soon came down to Vigils, the hymnal began and we continued our praying and recitation of the psalms, the morning slowly lighting up as time passed.

We soon came down to Vigils, the hymnal began and we continued our praying and recitation of the psalms, the morning slowly lighting up as time passed

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"Did you hear?" 

I glanced to see one of the other brothers, helping me with the dishes, practically staring at me with excitement.

"Hear what?"

"The monastery recently accepted a resident, a new one this morning. He supposedly came from overseas, do you think he'll have stories to share?"

"A resident? The monastery hasn't been visited for about four or five years now?"

"Well, a resident is here. He wounded his arm, can you believe it? People are very clumsy these days."

"What was his name?"

"Adonis, I think? Adonis Paul..."

I stopped my work, nearly dropping the plate as my fingers clung to each other with panic. It was a strange coincidence but I was reminded of the poor bird that was probably eaten by cats at this point, or caught and sent away by one of the other brothers.

"Are you alright?"

"Yes, thank you," I said, still standing completely still and staring into the soapy waters that threatened to burn my hands if they stayed in there any longer. I eventually snapped from my trance and continued washing the dishes, my mind reeling but also oddly silent.

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