Do you know me ?

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"Sorry ", The man said in tears as he held the love of his life in his arms.

"Don't worry you also deserve to be protected, you deserve to be loved", The dying soul said as he passed out.

The man yelled in agony as he clutched tightly onto the body of the boy that died for him. He looked to the sky , a pink light spreading all over.

"Win !", A sharp voice came as the boy sat up on his bed.

Sweat accumulating around his forehead. He breathed heavily as he looked forward. It was his older brother. Net.

"Phi ", Win said as he took a few deep breaths and wiped off his sweat.

His brother looked at him with a straight face before saying ,

"Are you gonna fall sick again or something ? Is changing schools that bad for you ."

"I am not falling sick Phi , just a bad dream", Win said as he got off the bed.

"That's what I think as well , but our parents don't seem to agree. Let's not be too weak , it's the start of a very important session for you. You have only 3 years of school left. You should be more serious now ", Net scolded him.

"Phi , can you stop scolding me. I am not you , I don't top in school ", Win said.

"It's not like mom and dad expect you too. You should just play , like you always do. They are proud of you ", Net said in a salty tone.

"They are proud of you too ", Win said.

"Trying to be kind ? How typical of you. I wouldn't have come to wake you up but I just wanted to clear a few things. Don't act like you know me in school. I don't want to be related to you in any way ", Net said strictly as he walked out.

Win sighed. This was honestly a good thing. Probably the first talk he and his brother had in a while. Win couldn't blame Net , the partiality was too evident that it made Win uncomfortable. Their parents had broken their bond as brothers and Win didn't have any way to fix it.

He was a miracle child , after 2 miscarriages , they got a son , but he was also a very sick child. All their care went into keeping this child safe and sound, while their other child suffered the consequences of being healthy. Win gets ready quickly. Taking a few pills before coming down where his meal awaited him.

"Come eat Win ", his mother said as Win smiled and sat down to have his meal. She served him, while Net put food on his own plate.

"Net , take care of your brother alright", His father said as Net gave a fake smile while nodding his head.

Net gave a quick look to Win , which Win interpreted completely.

Like hell I would take care of you.

Win ignored it , he was a bit too used to these looks now.

"Should we drop you Win ?", His mother asked worried.

"Come on mom , I can go myself ", Win said.

"Net , go with him", His father said.

"I have to meet James on the way , he is gonna be late if he goes with me ", Net said while finishing his food.

"Then skip it for today ", His mom said.

"It's school stuff mom, I can't just skip it. I need to attend the quiz competition , I have permission to be late , he doesn't. I can't take him", Net said trying to reason with his parents.

"Just one competition , miss it ", His father said.

"We have a team dad , I can't just back out from the team", Net said .

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