We fall in love

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"What did you tell the king ?", Win said in frustration as he looked at the boy standing in front of them.

They never got along , but after being saved by him once , Win felt their bond was building but it was all a lie.

"I convinced him to kill you all !! Only Bright should get to live! ", The other said.

"I get it that you have a problem with me , but what about all those poor citizens here , why are you putting their lives at stake ?", Win said.

"Because they chose you , they chose an outsider as the perfect person for their leader , rather than me who has been here forever !", The guy yelled.

"Can you just wake up from this virtual world you have made. I don't like Bright , if you like him so much then you should go and try to make him fall in love with you , rather than killing everyone he is in love with", Win said.

"It doesn't matter now , the king will be here soon , he has the golden arrow. He is going to kill all of you , only Bright's Life shield is strong enough to hold that attack. You all would die. I hope it hurts like hell for you , dying from the hands of the person you loved. Look at him, sacrificing you for the world ", the guy said.

"I will sacrifice my life anytime for the safety of this world. But there is something you don't know and now you are gonna have to face deep consequences ",  Win said.

"What are you talking about?", the guy said.

"Bright has already used his Life shield", Win said.

The other boy was in shock.

"No , that can't be , you are lying !", The guy said.

"I bet it's hurting like hell , knowing you planned to kill the person you like", Win said as the other broke down into tears.

Bang !!!

A loud voice came as both the boys flinched.

"The war has started ", Win said lightly.

"Win !", the voice woke Win up from his dream.

He was helped to sit, his heart beating fast. He looked at the concerned boy beside his bed, who was caressing his back and consoling him.

"Are you alright ?", James asked.

"Yeah , bad dream ", Win said.

"It's alright now , calm down ", James said as he hugged Win. It was a strange comfort. Net opened the door.

"What are you doing ?", he said glaring at Win.

"He had a bad dream ", James said.

"He always has bad dreams. He is basically a walking hospital. From mental to physical he has all kinds of issues. Just leave him be. Win get ready for school", Net said as he walked to James and pulled him out with him.

Win got off his bed and entered the washroom.

Quinn was right, I am in love with the other guy , the king. I need to find him. Win thought as he washed his face.

Meanwhile James and Net sat down for breakfast.

"Why do you hate him so much ?", James asked as they ate.

"If you were me , you would hate him as well", Net said.

"That's why I am asking , tell me from your point of view. What makes you hate him so much ?", James asked.

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