Loves war part 1

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The events begin with Yuri, a girl who lives with her (adopted) father, who is a member of a mafia gang. His goal is to protect his daughter from everything related to his work. Yuri is a 20-year-old girl who lives her life in a house far from the city where her father works. When her father comes... She approaches her father about a work-related matter. Yuri: Dad, you know that I've grown up and want to live my life. Her father: You don't understand me. I want to protect you. Yuri says angrily: But you don't protect me. But you arrest me. I know what I will do. You interfere in all my affairs. Her father: What do you want from me, my daughter, Yuri? Yuri: I want to go down to the city and work. Her father: It is impossible for this to happen. Go to your room and do not talk to me about this matter. Yuri goes to her room with tears filling her eyes. “Why, why all this torment,” Yuri says as she walks. Tomorrow morning, Yuri's father goes to work and meets the sons of the mafia leader (Jungkook, Ian, and Tae). Each one of them has something that distinguishes him from others, but their natures are different. Jungkook is cold and Ian is calm , while Tae has no care in the world. Jungkook talked to Yuri's father, Ian was busy on the phone and Tae was thinking about what to eat when he got home. Jungkook talks to Yuri's father about Jeon (the mafia leader) visiting his house with Jungkook. Jungkook coldly says to Yuri's father, "I hope you'll be hospitable." Yuri's father: I did not summon you, you summoned yourselves. Jungkook: Oh sure, and are you the one who decides where we go and at what time? You are just a member that can be removed. Their conversation ends with them setting a day to come to his house, whose whereabouts no one knows. He goes home nervous and afraid that they will see his daughter and take her away. When he enters the house, Yuri feels that her father is not well, so she asks him: Yuri: Did something happen to you? He says to her while wiping the sweat on his forehead: “I want you to promise me that you will not leave your room tomorrow, no matter what happens.” Yuri: Is there something serious that will happen tomorrow? Her father: This is a practical rule that I do not want you to interfere with. Yuri: Okay, okay, Dad, I promise you But be well.
To be continued...

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