Loves war part: 6

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The first day starts with Yuri. The morning is bright. She wakes up at the end of 10:00 because she thinks it's still early, but when she picks up her phone, she gets up in horror and quickly goes to the bathroom to wash her face. Then she gets dressed and rushes to the kitchen to prepare breakfast, but she finds breakfast on the table and sits down to eat until he interrupts her, saying: Good morning. I'm sorry to tell you, but there was not a large amount of food in the house, so I prepared some for myself and there was nothing left of it, so you can break your fast when you leave. I wish you luck in finding a job and leaving my face. That speech was a provocation to Yuri - You are arrogant, I am not a beggar. You can eat your food or get poisoned by it, I don't care. I came to drink water and I will go. Yuri feels extremely embarrassed and angry at his heinous actions and secretly says that he doesn't even show courtesy because she understands why my father comes here every day angry. Now I have more sympathy for my father because he sees this sight every day. Yuri quickly goes outside so as not to miss the time when the bus passes, and while she is waiting, a speeding car passes by and sprays water that was on the road on her. Unfortunately for her, it seemed that her morning was not as bright as he said. - What an unhappy person I am, this is the beginning of my day after Yuri gets on the bus. She cleans her wet clothes and someone calls her from behind her. She turns around to find out who is this person and how does someone know her when she is not from here. When she turns around, she sees that it is a young man and he gives her his coat to wear. Yuri greets him and thanks him very much for his words and generosity. She says in her secret: Not all people are like that arrogant person. The young man hears her and says to her: Who is this person who made you say this about him? Did he make you wet? Yuri says: No, it's not him, but he's the secret of my unhappiness these days. So Yuri asks him his name, and he tells her that his name is Ian, and here the shock did not get rid of his brother until he appeared to her, but she did not know him, so he asked her her name, and she told him that her name was Yuri. He tells her that I heard that name once, but I don't remember where, and if you need help, I'm here. He gives her his number so she can call him, so she seizes the opportunity and tells him: I am looking for a job and I am new in this city and I do not know anyone here who can help me. I have a company here and you can be my assistant. But before that, you have to pass the test, and you can go with me to take it. The bus kept going for a long time as he told her about the company and told her about his brothers. The first one we all know warns her not to deal with him. The second is Tai, and she can deal with him. She asks him: If you have a company, why don't you come in your car even though you can? If I were like you, I would never take the bus. Is this humble of you? He replied, “No, just that I am being punished because I did not fire an employee who worked for us.” So I believed him that he was not a traitor, but he was the opposite. My father punished me by depriving me of the car, so I had to take the bus, but I feel comfortable when I take it because there are people in it, but in the car I will be alone. What a weirdo. How do you like the bus when it's full and crowded and you're almost out of breath? It seems we have arrived. Is this your company? He shakes his head, confirming her words. Yes, it's my workplace and your workplace. do not hurry. I can't accept the first time. Be optimistic, why pessimism? When they got off, a luxurious car stopped at the company, and that person who always bothered her got out, but she did not even see him because she was busy talking to Ian... To be continued..

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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