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"I found a new club that we all can go to, and even Sehun could go there." Jongin told all of them while they were sitting under a tree. The tree was their usual meeting place, since the university stole their frat mansion.

"Hey, look who's talking. I'm not the only minor here!" Sehun flung some grass at Jongin in a playful way, but the other dodged them.

"And what's that?" Chanyeol hummed, busily tapping on his phone. Joonmyeon and Jongdae were equally bored. They've run out of fun clubs and bars to go to.

"It's called Club Exo!" Jongin almost squealed, causing the majority's attention to finally shift to him.

"And so? What's so fun about it?" Chanyeol raised his brows, challenging Jongin.

"Because! They've got the nicest drinks, plus the sexiest girls in the whole world..." Jongin dreamily added.

"Don't tell me you've been clubbing without us." Joonmyeon glared at him. "Because that's unfair. And all we have is this stinky craphole called University."

"You're just bitter because the dean grounded you and Jongdae. And besides, what can I do? The girls are caling me."

"Hey, Joonmyeon started the whole act! I was just framed!" Jongdae retorted.

"Speaking of girls," Joonmyeon recalled. "Sehun, where are your girlfriends? I remember you always have a string of women attached to your back wherever you go."

"Yeah, I also noticed that! I especially like that one girl called Lu Han, she's so boyish but she's cute as heck." Chanyeol blushed.

"W-what the heck! L-lu Han's not a g-girl! He's a freaking guy! He's my roommate! What are you thinking? I always wonder if you've been secretly smoking weed again." Sehun blushed as twice as noticeable as Chanyeol's blush.

"Wha?" Chanyeol's mouth hang open for a few seconds. He almost dropped his phone. "My whole life is a lie!"

"Anyway, back to the subject. Where are your girlfriends?" Joonmyeon interrupted, ignoring the very confused giant.

"I..." Sehun scrambled for alibis to say. He could never tell them that he lost all his girlfriends just because he allegedly took Lu Han hostage in the shower. Nope, that was such a gayish reason. But it's the truth, Sehun's mind spoke.

"You what?" Jongin tapped his foot impatiently.

"I got bored so I dumped all of them."

"Duuude." Jongin drawled. "To dump all twenty hot, blonde, good in bed, C-cup, big ass booty cheerleaders..."

"Is such a gay thing to do."

And that was when Sehun's ovaries exploded.


Sehun observed his surroundings before silently rushing into the bathroom, his phone in hand.

He quickly looked over his shoulders to see if anyone was watching him. He's already being so paranoid. If a single soul sees him actually doing this for his own confused sake, he is so dead.

With clammy hands, he unlocked his phone and his fingers shakily hovered onto the internet icon. He anxiously tapped on it.

Beads of sweat dripped from his forehead onto his cheeks. He hasn't even started yet, and he's already this nervous?

I still can't believe that I am going to check this out.

He went to Wikipedia.

Typed, gay

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