Chapter 3: A twist of fate

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Khushi's voice sounded concerned as she asked, "What do you mean? What kind of questions did he ask?"

Sathi recounted the conversation, detailing Ravee's odd questions about tea, coffee, and even underwear.

As she spoke, she could sense Khushi's growing incredulity on the other end of the line.

"What are you even talking about? He asked you this?" Khushi exclaimed, her disbelief evident.

"Yeah, it was so strange," Sathi replied, feeling a sense of validation in Khushi's reaction.Khushi's tone turned serious as she said, "Sathi, be careful. This guy sounds sketchy.
You shouldn't have to deal with someone like that."

Sathi nodded, grateful for Khushi's concern. "I know, Khushi. It just caught me off guard. I'll be more cautious from now on."

Khushi sighed, her voice filled with frustration. "It's just so surprising, though. The Ahuja family is renowned in our industry. How could they have a son like him?"

Sathi couldn't help but wonder the same thing. As she mulled over Khushi's words, a nagging sense of doubt crept into her mind. What kind of family was she getting involved with?

-Ahuja House-

In the Ahuja household, Ravee Ahuja lounged in his room, chatting playfully with his cousin sister, Manu, about the recent conversation he had with Sathi.

"So, what did you say to her?" Manu asked, her curiosity piqued.

Ravee grinned mischievously. "Oh, just some harmless questions to see how she'd react."

Manu chuckled, shaking her head. "You're such a troublemaker, Ravee. But seriously, do you think she's the right match for him?"

Ravee shrugged, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. "I don't know, Manu. I want to see if she's up for the challenge."

Manu nodded, understanding her cousin's adventurous spirit. "Just be careful, Ravee. You don't want to mess things up."

Ravee flashed her a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, Manu. I'll make sure everything goes smoothly. After all, what's life without a little excitement?"

In the spacious living room of the Ahuja residence, Mrs. Ahuja sat deep in conversation with her mother-in-law, her thoughts consumed by Sathi.

"I really like her, Mother," Mrs. Ahuja confessed, her voice filled with admiration. "She's so pretty and incredibly dedicated. I mean, just look at how she's managing the Batra Wedding, which is happening this week."

Her mother-in-law nodded in agreement, acknowledging Sathi's qualities. "Yes, she seems like a capable young woman. It's fortunate that she got such an opportunity."

Her mother-in-law smiled knowingly, understanding the significance of the connection.

Mrs. Ahuja leaned forward, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. "I think we should invite Sathi and her family for dinner tomorrow. It would be a chance for Ayaan to meet her and for us to see if things could work out between them. I hope they like each other."

Her mother-in-law nodded, sharing in her enthusiasm. "Why not? I'm curious to meet this girl myself. Let's make the arrangements and see how things unfold."


In Sathi's room, the night was quiet and still. She sat on her bed, surrounded by the soft glow of the moonlight filtering through the curtains. Thoughts raced through her mind, keeping her awake long into the night.

She couldn't shake off the unsettling feeling that had settled within her since the phone call with Ravee Ahuja. His strange questions had left her feeling uneasy, and she couldn't help but wonder what kind of person he truly was.

BOUND BY FATE : A Marriage of Dreams And Deception ✅Where stories live. Discover now