6 ~ darling sister

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I quickly turn on my heel and run down the aisle of the church, out into the open. I glance at my watch, and see it's an hour and a half past noon. Everyone has left. 

My heart races inside my chest as I run down the street, not even waiting for the Johnsons to come pick me up from the funeral. I just need to get away. 

Who was that strange man? Why did he claim to be my brother? Was he just an ignorant man playing a joke on me? Or something more sinister? 

I didn't recognize anyone from the Meetings at the funeral, but maybe that man was from the Meetings. Maybe he was sent to warn me, to scare me into submission. 

Instead of running up the hill to the Johnson's house, I subconsciously wander back to the pebbled beach; my sacred safe haven. 

The water is cool against my hands. I stand up after another moment, and curse myself for being so stupid and walking to another public space. 

The hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I feel like cold water has must been splashed over me. A sense of dread fills my stomach. 

Peeling myself away from the water, I sprint up the grassy, tree-covered path far from the street until I come into a small clearing, and break back into the light. 

My heart rate slows slightly when I see the Johnson house. I rush up to the front door, and burst open without even knocking. 

A scream rips itself out of my throat when I see the sight in front of me— James, the strange boy from town, and Liam, the psychotic man from my family's funeral. 

The two stand in the foyer. None of the Johnsons are in sight. Did they kill them? Is loving Cecilia dead? Curious Penny? Because of me?

Liam turns and smiles at me. "Darling sister," He takes a step towards me, and I back away. I reach behind for the door knob, but I feel the wall. 

Someone's rough hand clamps around my shoulder. I look back and see a tall, muscular man wearing a suit holding me in place and blocking the door. 

Tears spring into my eyes. Millions of horrible scenarios flash through my mind. I don't want to die, but today I probably will. 

I am only fourteen, but I feel like I have lived through centuries. I feel like my heart has been aged more than my mind. 

"Don't cry, darling. We're not going to hurt you. In fact, it's quit the opposite. You're in danger here, don't you see? You must come live with us— we are your brothers." 

Liam's words make my joints snap back alive inside my body. I immediately begin to thrash against the man's grip, but he doesn't budge. I use my elbow and jap it into his head. 

No reaction. After a moment, I only receive a small chuckle and a faint "nice try, sister" from the man holding me in place. 

Liam isn't fazed by my sudden attempts to be set free, either. He smiles at me, eyes filled with lazy amusement. "Would you rather stay here, waiting till you are killed?" 

"No one is going to kill me! I am safe here." I cry false words. I had never thought the people at the Meetings would kill me— but they most certainly might. 

A new man emerges from around the corner. Shaved. Suit. He raises an eyebrow at me. "This isn't how I had planned our reunion to go, Lacy. You must understand this," He says. 

"Let me go! This is kidnapping!" 

He shakes his head in disappointment. "No, I'm afraid we have no time for this conversation. Everything will be explained later. You see, Clark's men are coming here as we speak." 

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