Meetings and Confrontation

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Previously on MLP EG... 

"Huh?" I asked.




Dusk Shine POV

I had no idea where or what I was and I screamed like a maniac. 

I'm kneeling on a patch of concrete that surrounds the marble base of a statue directly behind her, with Spike sitting alongside me. The polished vertical surface suggests that it is the other end of the portal. I clap my hands to my mouth to stifle my scream, then takes them away and wiggles her new forearms increasingly frantically—one set of fingers at first, then that wrist, and finally all the joints. As I works my way toward full-on hyperventilation, Spike just scratches at one ear; when he stops, she is still trying to figure out exactly how her limbs work.

Until further notice, all pony characters appear in this form. Unless otherwise noted, skin tones are pastel shades of their normal coat colors, and hair is the same color and style as their manes. Eyes retain their original colors; those of females are shadowed either not at all or in a slightly darker shade than their skin unless noted.

"Dusk, you have to get it together!" Spike stated. 

I snap out of the fit, takes a deep breath, and lets it out while leaning my weight forward to rest on my fists and knees.

"What does the rest of me look like?" I asked. 

" you, only not you. Your muzzle's really small." Spike stated. 

"My muzzle?!?" I exclaimed. 

The touch of fingers against the very tiny nose on my face starts my freaking out all over again, but Spike claps paws over my mouth before the whimper coming out of it can get any louder.

"Are you gonna scream again?" Spike asked. 

I shake my head; he removes his paws, and both look off in the same direction. We are indeed in a different world, the statue on the base is that of a rearing horse, and a sign on the lawn nearby has the shape of a horseshoe with ends up and a small C set inside. 

"Where are we?" Spike asked. 

"I don't know. But that must serve as the gateway back to Equestria. We need to find my crown as soon as possible and get back there." I stated. 

I turn around to see a two-story red brick building with two wings framing a central courtyard where the main entrance is located. The roof above these doors is set with a glass dome topped by a small flagged clock tower that would not look out of place in Canterlot, and a sculpture of a crowned gold horse head stands atop each corner facing the street. Two windows are mounted directly above the doors, an eight-pointed star on the first story and a rearing horse on the second, and a third gold horse head tops the roof above them.

"I suggest we start searching the castle first." I stated as I got back on my knees.

"Works for me." Spike said. 

Spike hops on my back as I go to all fours as before; a moment later she is galloping toward the doors as quickly as her new anatomy will allow. However, the new canine's puzzled aside glance and poke in the back bring her to a halt, and she follows his gaze across the sidewalk. A teenage boy has his own dog on a leash and pauses in the middle of walking it, and both are greatly flummoxed by this unorthodox display of pet exercise technique.

"Yeah, I don't think that's how the new you is supposed to-" Spike said.

I snap up to vertical with a sheepish grin, pitching Spike off my back; the boy continues to give them a very funny look until his dog pants and whines a bit. A slightly annoyed finger-point gets the walk going again; meanwhile, I'm having great trouble figuring out the fine art of bipedal motion. A few wobbly, off-balance steps and yelps bring her to the flight of steps that lead up to the doors.

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