Beautiful but not Smart?

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I just don't get the point of Miss Universe. I mean, they're beautiful but not that intelligent!
Remember the recent Miss Universe? They couldn't first of all understand! Why be on the show if you can't understand plain english! Having a translator is just taking your time, and second, they have no clue on what to answer.
This is why I hate Miss Universe and the idea of it.
I mean, I am way smarter than them.
Random Guy: "Are you stupid?"
Me: "No, why?"
Random Guy: "'cause you don't get the point of Miss Universe. Go ahead sign up for Miss Universe."
Me: "I will to prove you wrong!"

10 months later

Me: "I failed!"
Random Guy: "Of course you did you dumbass."
Me: "I couldn't answer the question about how to save innocent people's lives!" *cries*
Random Guy: "Wow, did you kill an innocent person?"
Me: "Yeah."
Random Guy: "First of all, you have no heart, second of all, you are stupid, and third of all, the cops are here, bye!"
*starts running*
Me: "I guess he was right. Time to kill the next innocent person."

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