Crazy Stories in Philippines

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True Story-ies
So......we were on a train in Philippines going to someplace only God knows and the ride was long of course. My parents and I were standing (how dare you let a child stand!) and so on.
     After ~ minutes, it stopped.
Then....the craziest thing happened......IT BECAME WORLD WAR Z!!!!! Everyone kept on pushing and shoving, especially fricking me!!! Then.....arghhhhh....I am so mad!!! Sorry but I have to say this....THIS BIG FAT LADY WITH BIG MEATY ARMS PUSHED ME WITH NO REGRET LIKE I WAS NOT EVEN THERE!!!! FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK! I became insane...maybe a psychopath after that when we came out of the train. Sorry if I offended anyone but obviously, I am not talking to you, so, keep calm and know that I am not saying this to YOUUUUUUUU. I was sooooooo mad then I kept on talking psychopath like. 💉😱
Here goes another story from ma homey Philippines!!!
So, we were walking, my parents and I...and my very slow lola....God knows why we brought her but anyways....LOVE U LOLA!
So, we were walking like I said Gosh darn Miss, stop REPEATING YOUR FRIDGIN' SELF! Me: Ok!!!! Just stop yelling! Anyways, after being rude- START THE STORY!!!!!! Me: I'm gonna fucking kill you. Stranger: ok
Soooooooooo, we were walking when, you know how people don't say excuse me in Philippines, sorry but this is true, only a small percentage says excuse me. THIS IS COMING FROM A 1/3 FILIPINA!!!!! Then, there was this guy who was stuck to his fuuuuuuuuuuuucking phone and he nearly ko-ed me, glad that my instincts pushed me away from that freaky frack.
For those offeneded, READ THE DISCRIPTION PEOPLE!!!
Bye lovelies

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