suprise midnight cuddles

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Summary: Emily stumbles upon Vaggie having a nightmare, and being the seraphm of joy means she can only do one thing! (Charlie joins her later on)

Emily shuffle towards the kitchen slowly, half asleep, she needed some water. Everything just felt so….off

For one thing she was in hell of all places, for another she couldn’t just fly back because that would risk a whole bunch of things that Charlie had explained and, for some reason, Emily was unable to teleport back. She wasn’t sure if it was because of how stressed she was or if maybe being in hell put some kind of ward on specific magic

She’d been experimenting and while she couldn’t open a portal back to heaven, she could still hide her wings and halo, make certain things, sense others emotional wellbeing, among other things, it just seemed that anything that would effect heaven directly, opening a portal or taking stuff, didn’t work.

And it wasn’t like she grabbed anything and could contact anyone, Charlie said she’d try to talk to her dad but he hadn’t picked up the 5 times Emily saw Charlie try…then promptly throw her phone at the wall

Charlie hadn’t seen her watching so she just left…..

She missed her sister, and had questions, lots of questions for her. Maybe she could ask Charlie instead? Maybe in the morning-

She stopped at an open door, the room Vaggie was in, with her wings twitching silently at a small noise. When she heard a groan again she peeked in and saw the former(?) angle just laying there. Bleeding. Well- her wounds were bandaged but they were pretty severe a̶n̶d̶ s̶h̶e̶ j̶u̶s̶t̶ s̶t̶o̶o̶d̶ a̶n̶d̶ l̶e̶t̶ i̶t̶ h̶a̶p̶p̶e̶n̶, s̶h̶e̶ r̶a̶n̶

She hadn’t even realized she’d stepped into the room until she was at the girls bedside, she was pretty, she’d been staying away due to all of…that, so this was really the first time she got to see her, she looked uncomfortable, tense and sad, like a sad wet cat

She wasn’t surprised that she was having nightmares, after…..that. Anybody would, even if they just watched it….

Emily pet her hair, maybe it was weird, but she looked like she needed some kind of comfort, so she sat on the edge of the bed nd pet her hair which make her relax, that was good at least! She could still do her job correctly
Charlie sighed and groaned, wiping her hands down her face, why did her dad never pick up or call when she WANTED him to?

No, it always had to be when he wanted and only when he needed something ugh. She loved him but….he could at least pick up her calls… for her moms she had no idea where they were, dad always said they had some kind of business to attend to, she just hope they aren’t trying to start a war with heaven or some shit

Ugh. She needed something to eat, or drink, maybe some water would help?

She did not expect to find two angles cuddling on her way there, Emily holding Vaggie from behind in the middle of the large bed, and suddenly, she wasn’t hungry anymore

……They wouldn’t mind if she joined in right? She’s pretty sure Emily wasn’t in here earlier anyways sooo…..

Yeah, she was sure it’d be fineeee
Needless to say when Vaggie woke up she had a heavenborn princess on her right and a hellborn princess on her left which was, nerve wrecking

…..she wouldn’t complain the affection was…..nice, she didn’t get a lot in the barracks but you can’t blame her for being on edge!….but it was nice, even if she was in hell of all places…at least she wasn’t actively being hurt

Unless death by cuddles was a thing?

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