snack run

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Summary: Charlie decides shopping is the best first outing 5 months after the extermination, anddd each of the girls get separated in the store

“you’re SURE your okay to go out?” Charlie asked, hovering and circling Vaggie, it would have made the former exorcists nervous if she didn’t know Charlie by now

“yes, definatly sure. Ive been laying around to much-“

“Wrong, you’ve been HEALING” Charlie insisted, she'd noticed Vaggie putting herself down and was not about to let that happen

Vaggie rolled her eyes, “fine. ‘healing’ I wanna get moving, plus Emily look very…cooped up and I know you want to show us around the ring"

"Well- yeah but....staying here is fine to!" Chalrie insisted

Vaggie raised an eyebrow, "I saw you staring at a wall yesterday for an hour fidgeting with your hands. Those dragon things-"

"Razzle and Dazzle" Charlie gently corrected again

"-Razzle and Dazzle were trying to headbutt you and you snapped out of it, picked the lighter one up, and walked to a different room to do something"

“I know, I just don’t want you to have a panic attack with no one around again… wasn’t pleasant to find you like that”

“….I know, but I mean it wasn’t your- either of your guys fault, I was just being-“

“having a VERY VALID trauma response to the news.”

Vaggie sighed, "you and your…passive aggressive kindness”

“well, stop talking bad about yourself and ill stop” Charlie said with a little huff at the end. It was cute…

“I finally found my pendent! I was uh…nder the bed” Emily said, coming form the hallway and looking away embarrassed, “…I need to get a key bowel or…something for it”

“its fine! Ooo maybe I can get you one while we’re out!” Vaggie smiled watching the two interact, they were both like excited puppies
Of course shed be the only person to get separated from the group…well, she supposes she isn’t the only one

She looked down to the dragon-goat next to her unimpressed at him carrying about 16 donuts, but maybe just a bit concerned at it a the same time

"So uhhhh do Donuts?" Vaggie asked the little red goat-dragons-demon thing that Charlie claimed was her 'bodygaurd'

Really they acted more like children. They were cute...didn't make Vaggie any less weary of them

Dazzle(?) Looked at her 4 boxes of donuts in his little hands and nodded with a smile, tail wagging slightly

His brother was clinger to Charlie and seemed more, rightfully, suspicious of her and Emily

Dazzle butted her leg gently and she looked down, he gave small goat-purr-mrph noise and held up the boxes

“…no im not gonna carry those for you- “

Razzle frowned at that and gave a whine, tail wagging for a cute affect

“no- and don’t you try it those puppy dog eyes are not gonna work on me.”
Emily stared at Razzle….and he stared back

“so uh, youre close to Charlie….” No duh Emily! of course he fucking was- why did she- ugh she wa san idiot

Razzle nonetheless gave her a suspicious look before nodding slowly

“cool… uh, are you guys hellborn? Cause Charlie said something about plushies….you uh….right you guys can talk…how the fudge does Charlie understand you??” She asked, mainly to herself. She was failing incredibly bad here

Razzle shrugged

“….maybe I could ask her to get you notepads or something so you can write…” Emily mumbled

“whats happening?” Charlie asked rounding the isle, Emily yelped

“I- uh, nothing? I just….have you ever gotten a notepad for these guys? Do they know sign language- jt…they cant exactly talk…”

“oh! Well I mean…I just kind of, know what they mean, I guess its cause ive spent so much time around them, isn’t that right boy?” Charlie asked squatting down to scratch Razzles fur and face, to which he purred at and rubbed against her

“as for the notepad, I tried but uh…..they ate the paper” Charlie says with a exasperated tone, Razzle made a low rumble and let out a sharp ‘ba’ of protest

Charlie got up and rolled her eyes, “I literally found you eating it.” Razzle crossed his arms and let out a huff of protest, some smoke coming out

Charlie sighed, “he doesn’t like being embarrassed, anyways I found this little thing for your necklace” she said, holding up a small blue-grey bowel

“oh! Thank you” Emily said, hesitantly taking the bowel and looking around, “so….wheres Vaggie?”

“….she wasn’t with you?” Charlie asked face falling as Emily shook her head, “oh….oh…oh no“
“don’t. you. Dare.” Vaggie growled at the two royals, “I don’t want to here a word”

“we uh…didn’t say anything” Emily said biting her lip, tail flickering behind her, Charlie was to busy taking pictures trying not to squeal and Razzle looked like he’d been betrayed

Vaggie glared but she couldn’t exactly mover her arms to stop them with a little fluffy demon in her arms passed out and holding a box of donuts like it was a stuffed animal

“Charlie. Stop taking pictures” Vaggie growled, ears pinned at the unwanted attention

“but you two are so cuteeee”


“mmm fine, fine” she sighed, putting away her phone, “anyways, I didn’t know you were so good with kids”

“I mean…im- im not they just…like me…or some reason” Vaggie said looking away

“…..wait- hold on- were you the angle who I always saw at the park getting dog piled by kids wanting to play??” Emily asked

“listen- listen okay? Their adorable and I cannot say no to their faces- they are so fucking tiny and I don’t like to see them upset!” Vaggie said to try and defend herself

“oh my hevaens- I cant believe I didn’t recognize you

“aww oh my demons that’s so cuteeee” Charlie cooed, tail wagging at the thought

“no- you stop thinking about it right now!” Vaggie demanded, stomping her foot forward and freezing when Razzle shifted, “……not a word” she said more calmly, slowly standing up straight

“don’t worry, Raz and Daz are heavy sleepers” Charlie reassured and Vaggie slowly, eyes darting form Charlie to Dazzle, moved to stand up, sighing in relief when he didn’t move

“alright lets go home, I’ve had enough ‘fun’ for one day.”

Charlie, of course, had to buy everything first…..and during the ride home Razzle slept on Vaggie’s lap, which Emily felt no jealously at all at.

The boys! I love these 2 so much

Also, would've posted this sooner but had no idea how it acted to write this chaoter.....and when I looked at the date I decided I wanted to post it on my birthday :³

Also it's my birthday!!

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