purple swirls

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Summary: its been 3 weeks since the extermination, And seeing as Charlie cant keep them inside forever, Emily needs disguise for whenever they she goes out especially since Charlie wants to take them around hell

“….what is this?” Emily asked, taking the purple swirled necklace from Charlie curiously

“well, youre pretty much stuck her and Vaggie can blend in but you uh….” Charlie looked her up and down, 6 wings, a halo, and light angelic glow around her, “….wont be able to”

“ah…” Emily looked down at herself, “yeah no you’re- you’re right, but how does this help??” she asked, tilting her head

“okay so you know transformation magic right?” she nodded, “Well, just put a bit of magic in that necklace and then make your disguise and it should act as a cloak of sorts, take it of, no disguise, put it on, boom, disguise!”

Emily looked at it, and Charlie for some reason felt nervous, “it’d work with any piece of jewelry so if you want a different necklace- or a bracelet I can get one for you….”

“huh? Oh, no its fine, I like how smooth it is!” Emily chirped

“oh- okay good”

Emily, opted to do her disguise in the bathroom connected to the room, Charlie turning around to Vaggie who had just been watching them interact

“I have something for you to!” Charlie chirped, walking over to her desk and not noticing Vaggie tensing, she pulled out a pink-red bow and walked back over, hooves clicking on the wooden floor, “here!”

Vaggie blinked, “uh…thank you?” she said, slowly taking it, and twisting it around her fingers, feeling a dip in the bed as Charlie sat next to her

“do you want me to put it in your hair?” Charlie asked, an ear flickering

“uh….” Vaggie glanced at the bathroom door, “yeah okay” she ignored how good flustered embarrassed she felt as Charlie messed with her hair
2 minutes turned into 10, 10 turned into 20, and 20 turned into 30 before Emily came out

“how do I look?” she asked, halo and wings gone, instead she has pink horns and a tail vaguely similar to Charlies, white dots on the appendages

Charlie felt lucky that her cheeks were naturally red, “great! You’ll uh, fit in perfectly” She stuttered out after forcing her brin to reboot

Vaggie just stared before standing up, “good, now if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go take a shower…..cold” she whispered the last part to herself as she closed the door

“…..so what did you two do while I was in there?” Emily asked

Charlie shrugged, “nothing much I gave her a bow, helped her put it in her hair”

“oh cool…..you got any board games?” the angel suddenly asked

“uhhh, yeah! Oh! and I have cards! Lemme go grab some!”

And when Vaggie got out if the shower 20 minutes later she found multiple board games open on the floor and cards scattered everywhere….including their hair, while the two played ‘war ship’ a game from wrath

The other games apparently needed more then 2 players…..

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