movie night

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Summary: the girls have a movie night, which somehow leads to doesn't stop there

"So how did this happen again?" Charlie asked coming back with more popcorn, Vaggie behind Emily preening said girls wings

".....she/I didn't know preening wings was mandatory down here" the two said at the same time

Emily out of embarrassment and a little bit of shame. While vaggie said it in a dead pan, almost amused, tone of voice

"Ah right...why??" Chalrie asked, "I mean, I don't preen mine often, but that's cause I don't really use them so?" She made a confused gesture with her hands

Vaggie shrugged, going back to work, "up in heaven wings are just kinda.....magically cleaned? They never really need preening, so it's more of a relaxation-family thing"

Emily nodded s bit flushed, "yeahhhh, I didn't uh, realize how dirty they could get" she said almost shepeishly

"The only reason I know is cause, well....i came down to hell once a year and afterwards we'd preen eachother...." vaggie explained, shame in her tone, maybe a bit of pain at the memory

Charlie leaned against the shorter girl, she might be shirt but she was like a boulder, "well! It came in handy here!!" She said happily

Vaggie chuckled, "yeha I guess your right- also how you feeling Em?"

"Mmm good" Emily muttered, not exactly a lie

....Not the full truth either

It felt good! Sure, but it reminded her how she'd bug Sera to help her preen her wings

It was necessary, sure. but it was still a bonding activity and she enjoyed it- and Sera always agreed, she'd even let Emily mess around with her wings sometimes as she worked

"Em you okay?" Charlie asked with clear concern in ehr tone, the preening had stopped

"Huh?" Emily wipped her face, when has she started crying?

"Sorry I jsut-" she tried to hold back a sob, it was like a bottle if emotions being shattered, "I-" a hiccup, "I miss my sisterrrr" she cried, voice wavering and broken, trying to wipe the tears

She didn't get why she was crying, it was fine! She'd see Sera in....6? More months.....6 months.....and then what?

She never really thoguht about it did she?

What was she supposed to do? Tell Sera she ran off and knew about the exterminations?? Was she supposed to try and stop it? Would Sera even let her out of her sight again?

Oh fuck. She had no idea how this woukd go about

Was Sera even looking for her? Did she even knwo her sister at all!?

"Hey okay- vaggie I don't know how to calm her down" Chalrie whined panicked

What went from soft purrs to sobbing to now a full blown panic attack, and the demon princess had no idea how to help, Vaggie had panic attacks before but never Emily-

"I've got her don't worry, go uh- get some water?" Vaggie suggested, lightly touching Emily's arm to try and ground her, "shell be fine...eventually"

Emily hadn't exactly been addressing everything, she was isut pretending nothing was wrong and everything was fine unlike vaggie herself who knew what the situation was and was panicking about everything being wrong

Everything had to explode eventually
"Feeling better?" Vaggie asked, Emily snuggled into her side

"Mhm" Emily hummed nodding her head

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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