The Sixth (Ginyu Force & Child!Reader)

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A/N: Some stuff you should probably know before reading.

There is a "name" for the reader but it is more of a nickname. The name is Roque (after Roquefort cheese—to keep with the dairy naming scheme for the Ginyu Force).
Brenchian is my English version of "Brench-seijin" the literal translation is "People from Planet Brench" (Which is the planet Salza is from---Jeice is from the same solar system and is the same species); so you have a fun skin and hair color (not specified in the story).
The reader is a contortionist which means their body is far more flexible than anyone normally is. So the reader can bend in ways that a non-contortionist would have to train a lot to maybe never get to that level. Aka perfect for Ginyu's poses.

TW! there is some child abuse in this so beware


You ran down the halls, a stack of paperwork nestled precariously in your arms. You could barely see where you were going but your supervisor would be upset if he had to wait for you to take another trip. By the time you noticed the towering man in your path there was no time for your little legs to stop.

All the papers you had been carrying were sent flying up in the air, before they could hit the ground you moved. Hands shooting out and deftly snatching up the papers before they could hit the ground. Your body contorted to make sure none of them escaped from you. With all of the papers safely back in your grasp you allowed yourself to breathe again.

"How did you do that?"

"Uhh—I run into people a lot so I had to learn to grab everything quickly," You explained, eyes raising to the large purple alien before you. Unfortunately for you, he was familiar, you had already screwed up big-time it seemed. Running into the leader of the Ginyu Force was one of the top items on your "never do that" list. Right below coming face to face with His Lordship and lingering for too long around the training room.

"What is your designation, child?" Captain Ginyu asked, breaking your spiraling thoughts.

"R-06130, sir," You declared, sweat beading on your brow.

"Er—your name?"

"R-06130," You repeated, keeping your eyes trained forward.

"I'm not calling you a bunch of numbers, that's... inefficient..." Ginyu thought for a long moment before he spoke again, "I'll call you Roque."


"Come with me young Roque," He said, walking the way you had come from.

You glanced towards where your supervisor would be waiting, weighing your options you elected to follow Ginyu. Since your supervisor was a lower rank than Ginyu hopefully that would mean you would not get in as much trouble. It took around half a dozen steps for you to match one of his strides. Once again the universe had it out for you, Ginyu was taking you towards the training rooms. Not just any training room, the Elites' training rooms. You were screwed; Ginyu was going to have them beat you up or something.

Wringing your hands together, you kept your eyes trained forward. Ginyu pressed a hand to the panel on the wall adjacent to the door. You followed behind him, noticing the people already in the room and shielding yourself with Ginyu's legs. Ginyu reached behind him, grabbing you by the scruff and placing you in front of him—so much for you staying out of sight.

"Who's the pipsqueak?" Another Brenchian like yourself piped up, though he had red skin and white hair.

"This is Roque, they will be our sixth member," Ginyu declared with a dramatic pose. Silence fell over the room for a long stifling moment before the team's emotions erupted.

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