Doodles of the Soul (Frieza x Reader)

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Frieza hated soulmates—more specifically he hated his soulmate. The accursed being that his soul was attached to would draw all over themselves and by extension Frieza. The markings started a few years before he destroyed Planet Vegeta, and had been a constant presence ever since.

Today was a particularly irritating day, his soulmate had given him a variety of flower doodles all over his arms and legs. All of them were in obvious spots that anyone could see as he walked down the halls to the meeting area.

"Soulmate's got you looking real pretty today~" Cooler snickered, Frieza shot him a heated glare.

"Fuck off."

Cooler chuckled, "But it's so easy to tease you when you have such a childish soulmate—"

Frieza's fist found its way to the side of his brother's face because he was angry at his jabs—not on his soulmate's behalf. Cooler's head snapped to the side, and with a growl, he lunged at the shorter Arcosian. King Cold swiftly broke up his sons' petty fighting, scolding them both. If Frieza stayed in anything but his base form after that, no one said anything. Anything to get away from his soulmate's doodles—


When Frieza fought that accursed monkey that was getting in the way of his wishes, Frieza finally shifted back to his base form. It was strange, he could always feel the markings in his other forms, even when they were not visible to the naked eye. After years of staying in his suppressed forms, this was weird. Frieza's soulmate seemed to have gotten better at drawing, now instead of ugly bulbous flowers there were fish and little creatures. The lines were thinner instead of the thick colorful lines that they had used before.

Frieza was surprised that he had lost, his tricks had finally run out and he had lost. Father had to extract him from the depths of space and stitch Frieza back together bit by bit. Where the little doodles once lay were replaced by sheets of metal, part of him was disappointed that he could no longer feel the marks. The rest of him was ready for revenge against that Saiyan, a revenge that would never come to fruition.

As he was sliced down by a lone Super Saiyan, he saw something he rued the day he would see. He knew who he had noticed, mere moments before being blasted into oblivion. He knew the little markings that were scrawled across the little human's flesh, they were the ones that were painfully missing from his. Then he was gone, lost to Hell itself screaming curses into the clouds above.


It had been years since Frieza had last taken a breath of air, it was strange, one did not have to breathe in Hell. His body had also been returned to him along with his soulmate's drawings. He was far from that dirt-ball planet—he was not disappointed—and he needed to get stronger. For the first time in his life, Frieza decided to train, beating a cannon-fodder soldier into the ground, day after day. Until he awakened it, his skin shifting to a shiny gold—rather than the marker-stained white. He ran straight back to Earth, a sick glee in his eyes.

Finally, Frieza would be able to enact his much-awaited revenge on that filthy monkey and his friends. That is until he saw them again. He stared, one of the little Earthlings standing off to the side. His gaze was drawn to the colorful doodles littering their exposed skin. Familiar screamed at him as he continued watching; when their eyes met his, he averted his gaze. Waiting a long moment before looking back, he faltered and quickly looked away, they were watching him now.

When Goku and Vegeta showed up instead of messing around in his base form—he knew the doodles would be there—he jumped straight to his new form and fought.


Goku and Vegeta showed up with Beerus and Whis; you sat down on the ground muscles relaxing, everything would be fine now. Though you were unnerved by Frieza's staring, you brushed it off; there was no way you could tell what was going on in his head. You had been there when Future Trunks had slashed him to bits, Frieza had not seemed to be interested in you then. It made chills run up your arms at the thought of being anywhere on his radar.

Vegeta was toying with Frieza even after he showed off his new golden form, Vegeta was not taking him seriously. Even you would have gotten mad at that, so you could understand the frustration radiating off of Frieza. You blinked when instead of pulling something insane, Frieza up and vanished. Goku mutters something about not being able to feel Frieza's aura anywhere nearby.

You could breathe easily once Frieza was gone, running off with his tail between his legs. After all the possible world-ending stuff that happened you decided to head back home. That was about all your heart could handle for the time being.

Flying back to your house was a simple feat, nothing compared to the planet-destroying might that you had witnessed. You could always dream of being that strong, it felt so far away though. What could a simple human do to get that strong? Roshi trained his whole life and still paled in comparison to the fighting fiend that was Goku. At least you were stronger than some of the other people in your group—Yamcha—

Throwing open your door you made sure to lock it behind you, falling against your couch with a huff. Gently you closed your eyes, planning on taking a short nap before you had to get dinner together. Your plans were interrupted by something pressing against your back. Eyes flashing open you tried to get out from under whatever was on top of you. A hand pressed your face further against the couch, and panic built in your chest.

A familiar voice rang through your ears, "Now you and I are going to have a conversation, soulmate."

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