chapter 6

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Abhira opens her eyes ...she saw he is holding her hand ...she tried to free herself from his grip ...but he is strong ...he is mummering something in his sleep ... abhira puts her other hand on his hand to loose his grip ...but she found him burning ...she immediately checks his head ...he is burning hard with fever ...

She immediately brings thermometer from the first aid kit and put it in his mouth ...he opens his eyes ...he looks at her and was about to remove the thermometer... She stops him by glaring ...

After a minute she took out that thermometer and found he is having 103 degree fever's high ...

He tried to say something but suddenly started coughing ...

Abhira:he got a high fever ...I should call a doctor first ...(Thought)

She calls the doctor...than she goes out ...

In kitchen...

She is putting ice water in bowl ...and already taken some cloth strips to put on his head so that temperature could low down ...

As she is about to go back ...Vidya comes there...

Vidya:abhira beta ye sab ?(Abhira all this?)

Abhira:maa woh armaan ko bukhaar hai (maa armaan got a fever)


Abhira:don't know ... today morning I found that

Vidya:ohh ...did you call the doctor?

Abhira:yes I did ...he is on his way to come

Vidya:ok ...let's go ...I'll check on him

Abhira:ok ...

Than they both goes to the room ... armaan is laying on bed ...abhira puts that bowl on side ...Vidya goes to him and help him sit on the bed by taking support of headboard...

Vidya: careful did you caught fever?

Armaan: nothing's just I drink ice water yesterday ...

Vidya:how many times I need to tell you be careful with what you eat ...look what you have did to yourself now?

Armaan:I am fine maa don't worry

Vidya:I can see how much fine you are... Now just be quite and rest ...I'll make some soup for you will feel better ...hmm

Armaan nodded...

Vidya kisses on his forehead than she goes from there to make soup for him ...

While abhira makes him lay down again ...she brings a chair sitted on it and started putting wet cloth strips on his head ...he is looking at her ...they both were quite ...he broke the silence...


She ignored him once again ...

Armaan:stop ...don't show false care ...if you don't care in real then why to pretend ?

She just keeps on putting the strips on his head ...he holded her hand to stop her ...she looks at him firmly...

Armaan:why are you doing all this Abhira? Here is no one for whom you have to pretend that you cares for me

Abhira:I care ...I do care for you ...and now leave my hand ...*firmly*

Armaan:but you are ignoring me ...

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